View Full Version : is it normal to have horse voice with a cold ?

13-12-15, 08:20
Hi Tues night I had a sore throat then wed I woke up worse throat horsey voice bit of the sniffles .thurs same now Friday it seems to have turned into a cold but still have a horsey annoying voice ? Is this normal how long do colds last for I'm worried my horse is like throat cancer or something I am full of cold but cant seem to shift it

13-12-15, 08:46
I suspect you have a virus, Beckie. How is your son? Are you treating his mild anaemia?

13-12-15, 09:05
Hes fine thanks yes I an seems better at mo thanks

13-12-15, 09:47
That's good to hear. Hoarse voices are often just caused by loads of catarrh and the cold virus itself-it can last for ages. I'm sure you're OK and just a bit under the weather. Stress can really lower our immune systems. Look after yourself and rest as much as you can?

13-12-15, 10:14
Hi Beckie, there's a delightful virus going round, me and my stepdaughter have been struck with it. It started with our throats last Saturday, scratchy and raw feeling, our throats are still sore, sneezing and snotty but we're getting better.
Plenty of fluids, rest and multi vitamins.
Hopefully, it'll be out of the way for Christmas xxx

13-12-15, 10:47
Plenty of vitamin C and fluids and you will soon be ok.

The usual pattern has always been saw throat to streaming then onto the mucus for a while but with some viruses the pattern seems different. Don't worry about that. Sometimes you can have some minor remnants for a week or two afterwards. Sometimes the streaming never happens or is very quicker...which is good as thats not a pleasant stage!

Glad to hear your sons doin well. Xmas soon so he will be very happy!


13-12-15, 12:19
Thanks for your reply's I just want to sound normal again had a horse voice the day after got sore throat then it turned into a cold I don't have sore throat now just still got horsey throat ��

13-12-15, 13:41
It's not throat cancer Beckie.

13-12-15, 16:46
How do u no

---------- Post added at 16:46 ---------- Previous post was at 16:41 ----------

Or layrax c

13-12-15, 17:23
I don't know and neither do you and there lies the problem. There is no way of being 100% certain unless you have an invasive diagnostic procedure which your GP would refuse as you have all the symptoms of a cold virus. Let the virus take its natural course and look forward to Christmas with your family? It's really good that your little boy is on the mend-don't replace this worry with another one of your cancer scares? Focus on your family as Christmas approaches-it must be miserable for you to continually ruminate about your own health?

13-12-15, 18:57
It is very . I'm just worried as I've had a horse throat for 5 days which dosnt seem normal yes I've still gota cold but it dosnt seem to be getting any better ��

13-12-15, 20:13
"Re: is it normal to have horse voice with a cold ?"

Yes, and that's all it is. How do I know? I'm a Stage IV head and Neck cancer survivor. You've had a cold? Totally Normal!

Positive thoughts

14-12-15, 07:35
Woke up this morning and feel bloody awful again I mean how long does a cold last I feel terrible full with cold horse voice slightly sore throat its awful ��

23-12-15, 19:01
All better now thankyou

23-12-15, 19:07
I am a singing teacher and can quite definitely say a cold always ends in hoarse voice and laryngitis for me!! Don't fret it is so so common x