View Full Version : weird dry/sore feeling behind soft palate (TMI sorry!)

13-12-15, 14:11
Hi all

Really worrying about my throat/behind my soft palate.

I had a bad cold/chest infection/virus a few weeks ago and when I did I had all this (TMI ALERT sorry...) mushy mucous come out. It wasn't like 'normal' stuff but I have had it all my adult life. Its almost like lumps of nasal lining if that doesn't sound too strange? When I cough it out (again sorry!) it is a huge relief! it feels like it comes from behind my soft palate. Whenever I have this the skin on my soft palate feels gritty. The gunk sometimes has blood in it but again this doesnt worry me usually cause I have literally had it my whole life whenever I get sick. I have quite sensitive nasal lining and often get nose problems.

Anyway I have had sore glands and felt a bit run down for the last few days and the very top of my throat feels kind of dry and sore, but its like, behind my nose in the same space all this 'gunk' comes from! the other morning I have some gunk and it was really thick and sticky like dried glue and an orangy colour. Has anyone had this before?

I am starting to freak out that I have somethig terrible :( I had a camera down my throat in the summer so surely if something was up they would have picked up on it?

Is this just my HA playing tricks on me?

Also - sorry for the grossness of this post.


14-12-15, 09:40
Can anyone help reassure me? feel so anxious today :( on my way to work and feeling sick and shaky. so worried about my sore throat being 'something worse' sorry my post is so yucky :( feel rubbish this morning, my glands are swollen and my face is all puffy and I feel hot/sweaty! was sweating in the night too. So worried about it being throat cancer or lymphoma. hate how my HA has reared its ugly head again right before xmas :(