View Full Version : bad anxiety flare up again ..............

13-12-15, 16:44
Hi - bear with me this may be a long one............sorry..........I've just had a massive flare up of all my anxiety again over the past few days.....haven't had it like this for quite a few years now...am still on 10mg cipralex which I've been on since around 2008.....not sure if I need to go to the drs as that sends me into a panic again! I'm petrified in case it's something else! had a massive panic attack on the way to work last week got to work and was sitting at my desk like a zombie and felt really weird couldn't even see properly so came home and plan to have a couple of days off this week as I know I don't feel right - I am a single mum of 2 lovely boys and have had such a stressful year that I think it has all just caught up with me lots of stress at work, financial worries poorly kids and the whole build up to xmas and worry of doing everything by myself as usual - am constantly on the go and busy and think my body needs some chill out time - I eat healthily and sleep well but am just so tired!
I knew it was coming on as I had this like throbbing in the left side of my neck which scares me to death and was really dizzy and out of it - what is it on my neck that throbs like that? only happens when am about to have an attack - just not sure what to do? and ideas or help would be most welcome - thank you xxx

14-12-15, 09:25
Hi - bear with me this may be a long one............sorry..........I've just had a massive flare up of all my anxiety again over the past few days.....haven't had it like this for quite a few years now...am still on 10mg cipralex which I've been on since around 2008.....not sure if I need to go to the drs as that sends me into a panic again! I'm petrified in case it's something else! had a massive panic attack on the way to work last week got to work and was sitting at my desk like a zombie and felt really weird couldn't even see properly so came home and plan to have a couple of days off this week as I know I don't feel right - I am a single mum of 2 lovely boys and have had such a stressful year that I think it has all just caught up with me lots of stress at work, financial worries poorly kids and the whole build up to xmas and worry of doing everything by myself as usual - am constantly on the go and busy and think my body needs some chill out time - I eat healthily and sleep well but am just so tired!
I knew it was coming on as I had this like throbbing in the left side of my neck which scares me to death and was really dizzy and out of it - what is it on my neck that throbs like that? only happens when am about to have an attack - just not sure what to do? and ideas or help would be most welcome - thank you xxx

Hi. Sorry to hear this. It sounds like it has just reared it's ugly head due to you being so busy/stressed and anxious about what is going on in normal life.

My girlfriend said to me yesterday 'you barely ever stop doing things apart from just before sleep' as in I won't just relax and watch TV, I will be responding to emails, sorting out washing, making lists for the next day, or even worse, googling symptoms.

Last week I had a break from being busy after work and it worked! I then had a wobble over the weekend and felt rough this AM. But, I am determined it was a just a small glitch.

19-12-15, 00:12
Hey and Welcome

That's how anxiety is, sometimes when stressful things get the better of us anxiety takes that opportunity to return and torment us. If you think you can't control your condition then it's essential that you consult your doctors immediately.

How's your treatment process? I know you mentioned that you've been suffering through lot of stress and is pretty tired so I'm assuming that you have no time for yourself. The holidays is about to come so please try to find a way to relax and unwind.

I salute you for being a single mom, use your children as motivation for you to keep holding on. And for the neck pains, I'm assuming it's a symptom of anxiety but just to be sure have it checked as well. :)