View Full Version : Worried sick. Seeing gp tomorrow

13-12-15, 18:54
3 weeks ago I started with a feeling of like the floor moving. I felt very unsteady walking round and like I would topple over. I was terrified so hubbyou called gp put to me. He checked bp, muscles, balance test, ears, eyes, oxygen. ..I passed everything all clear. I'd been under immense stress so he said it was stress related and it was anxiety. I did my best to believe it and I carried on and it improved. I felt much better. I still had the floor moving feeling but I'd lost my fear it was a tumour or anything severe.

Then last week I noticed the unsteady feeling strong again and with it my panic about it returned. This weekend I felt it worse again. I also feel very weak in my limbs and I feel heavy all over. Last night it came over me suddenly just heavy all over, heavy throat and more than ever floor was moving. I can only describe it as when you get off a trampoline and you feel you're bobbing and unsteady.

I've barely walked around today which then worries me I am too inactive. My anxiety is sky high again because i am scared stiff this is not anxiety. I have never had this before and it's not going away I feel worse :weep: I know my gp again will say it's anxiety but for peace of mind I need another check up. I just wish it would stop. It's flared up my anxiety and agoraphobia again. I struggle walking around my own home :(

13-12-15, 22:11
I had this last year. :(

It's a horrible feeling.

13-12-15, 22:38
How long did it last? What did your doctor think it was?