View Full Version : Tickling sensation all over body while stressed

13-12-15, 20:50
Just posting this so I don't go crazy thinking I'm alone. :)

While under stress (even minor) I get an unbearable tickling sensation all over my body. It's worse in the soles of my feet. When I look up the symptom to see if anyone else is talking about it, it's usually about tingling or pins and needles, but this doesn't feel anything like that. It doesn't feel like it's on the surface of my skin, and it's not buzzy or prickly, it's smooth and constant, and there isn't a spot which I can poke or itch to make it stop.

(It's so hard to describe sensations without sounding silly.)

During times of extreme stress (I've had about 5 episodes in the last 15 years) it gets so bad that I reach a point where I start hallucinating. It's nasty, but I can avoid that now by seeing it as a stress reaction rather than letting health anxiety get the better of me.

I was given diazepam for anxiety, but unfortunately it hasn't stopped the tickling sensation.

Does anyone else get this, or am I alone?

14-12-15, 05:08
Is it like ants crawling over you?

Or maybe it's more like a rash? I used to get like heat rashes where lumps would form and it would be very itchy.

15-12-15, 05:31
If it's similar to what I get then it's tension. When you walk around tense all the time your muscles feel funny when you relax.

20-12-15, 23:11
Cebula - this sounds exactly like what I am experiencing right now, and why I've come on here this evening.

I have that 'tickly' sensation at the back of my head and upper neck. It is driving. me. crazy. It's like restless legs but in an area that I can't move to ease it!