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View Full Version : Fully recovered from health anxiety and wanted to share :)

13-12-15, 23:26
Hi all

For some reason my head made me come on this site this evening... I use to be on this site at least 5 x a day and I haven't visited this site for over 6/7 months now.

I use to suffer from severe health anxiety, I convinced myself over a 3 year period that I had MS, a brain tumour, a heart condition, epilepsy, stroke, lymphoma and Sooo many more issues! I had ECGs, MRIs, balance testing and all sorts! Surprise surprise all my results were negative but I always believed something was wrong...

Dizziness was my main symptom and it use to hit me out the blue and always freak me out, along with blurred vision, vertigo, headaches, numbness, face and head tingling sensations, chest tightness, breathlessness and a whole host of other symptoms.

My advice is to seak help, speak to your doctor and be as honest as you can... I then had integrative therapy on the NHS it was more in depth than CBT and tackled the issue at its root cause and had a therapist who was actually quite harsh but for me him being as straight to the point as he was helped me. Make sure you do the homework as well! Other advice is to keep a diary, it makes you realise that you didn't die from the same symptoms you had last week so what's going to cause that this week!

The other advice is that of practising mindfulness... It makes you live the here and now and when you can feel yourself start to panic it makes you accept what's happening. It also can make you switch off and take the time your body needs to relax.

All I wanted to say really is if you need help please feel free to contact me, I will always do my best to help.

I'm not saying I have the answers but I never ever thought I could get better and this forum was filled with people and still is filled with people who can't see the light just yet and I always think it's important to see that you can recover. I lost 3 stone, didn't leave the house for a year and had never felt so ill, stressed or worried in my whole life. I'm now 28, and 20 weeks pregnant and actually enjoying it :) I have my wobbles every now and again but have the techniques to focus my head and leave the world of HA behind me :)

As I said above please contact me if you want to ask questions but I hope the above can shed a bit of positivity amongst you...

14-12-15, 07:50
Thank you so much for sharing your story, you sound so much like me and it gives me hope to read that you have recovered! Can I ask, did your blurred vision and dizziness go or have you just learnt to live with it?

14-12-15, 09:21
Hi all

For some reason my head made me come on this site this evening... I use to be on this site at least 5 x a day and I haven't visited this site for over 6/7 months now.

I use to suffer from severe health anxiety, I convinced myself over a 3 year period that I had MS, a brain tumour, a heart condition, epilepsy, stroke, lymphoma and Sooo many more issues! I had ECGs, MRIs, balance testing and all sorts! Surprise surprise all my results were negative but I always believed something was wrong...

Dizziness was my main symptom and it use to hit me out the blue and always freak me out, along with blurred vision, vertigo, headaches, numbness, face and head tingling sensations, chest tightness, breathlessness and a whole host of other symptoms.

My advice is to seak help, speak to your doctor and be as honest as you can... I then had integrative therapy on the NHS it was more in depth than CBT and tackled the issue at its root cause and had a therapist who was actually quite harsh but for me him being as straight to the point as he was helped me. Make sure you do the homework as well! Other advice is to keep a diary, it makes you realise that you didn't die from the same symptoms you had last week so what's going to cause that this week!

The other advice is that of practising mindfulness... It makes you live the here and now and when you can feel yourself start to panic it makes you accept what's happening. It also can make you switch off and take the time your body needs to relax.

All I wanted to say really is if you need help please feel free to contact me, I will always do my best to help.

I'm not saying I have the answers but I never ever thought I could get better and this forum was filled with people and still is filled with people who can't see the light just yet and I always think it's important to see that you can recover. I lost 3 stone, didn't leave the house for a year and had never felt so ill, stressed or worried in my whole life. I'm now 28, and 20 weeks pregnant and actually enjoying it :) I have my wobbles every now and again but have the techniques to focus my head and leave the world of HA behind me :)

As I said above please contact me if you want to ask questions but I hope the above can shed a bit of positivity amongst you...

Wow, brilliant news. I am fighting my way through it. I'm almost there, I think. I had a wobble yesterday after the fire alarm went off for 2 hours without stopping for no reason at all. It set me off with stress and anxiety as it wiped out my plans and made late and I didn't get to bed early. I then started worrying about my health again.

Luckily my dizziness and virtually all of the other physical symptoms have died down now....just over the past 7-8 days.

Glad to hear there is a light.

14-12-15, 10:10
Yes my dizziness has gone completely.... I get a "spell" maybe once every 6 weeks now but if I reflect its happened because I was anxious... Another thing which I forgot to mention is I started having B12 injections which I think have really helped :)

I had almost constant dizziness which changed in severity for 3 years... I use to have to prepare for a week for a trip to Tesco but now I walk around without even thinking about it!

You will get there :)

14-12-15, 10:55
Thanks so much for coming back and sharing this. I know it will mean a lot to a lot of people. :)

14-12-15, 13:33
What a great post! I certainly remember and have commented on many of your threads. You were in a really bad place for a long time.

The fact that you took the dragon by the horns, put in the effort and beat him back into his cave shows the recovery is certainly possible and hopefully it will encourage others to follow in your footsteps.

Keep up the good work because that's what it really is, and stay well!

Positive thoughts

14-12-15, 14:15
Fantastic post.

I hope that others that are still in the middle of suffering read this.

All the best.


15-12-15, 17:58
Thanks guys....
Not by any means am I discouraging the use of this site but it's key to recovery to not seek reassurance! I'm still putting this into practice especially with being pregnant!! I read some of the posts on here and just hope people can get out of the vicious circle like I did :)

19-06-16, 07:02
Hi all

For some reason my head made me come on this site this evening... I use to be on this site at least 5 x a day and I haven't visited this site for over 6/7 months now.

I use to suffer from severe health anxiety, I convinced myself over a 3 year period that I had MS, a brain tumour, a heart condition, epilepsy, stroke, lymphoma and Sooo many more issues! I had ECGs, MRIs, balance testing and all sorts! Surprise surprise all my results were negative but I always believed something was wrong...

Dizziness was my main symptom and it use to hit me out the blue and always freak me out, along with blurred vision, vertigo, headaches, numbness, face and head tingling sensations, chest tightness, breathlessness and a whole host of other symptoms.

My advice is to seak help, speak to your doctor and be as honest as you can... I then had integrative therapy on the NHS it was more in depth than CBT and tackled the issue at its root cause and had a therapist who was actually quite harsh but for me him being as straight to the point as he was helped me. Make sure you do the homework as well! Other advice is to keep a diary, it makes you realise that you didn't die from the same symptoms you had last week so what's going to cause that this week!

The other advice is that of practising mindfulness... It makes you live the here and now and when you can feel yourself start to panic it makes you accept what's happening. It also can make you switch off and take the time your body needs to relax.

All I wanted to say really is if you need help please feel free to contact me, I will always do my best to help.

I'm not saying I have the answers but I never ever thought I could get better and this forum was filled with people and still is filled with people who can't see the light just yet and I always think it's important to see that you can recover. I lost 3 stone, didn't leave the house for a year and had never felt so ill, stressed or worried in my whole life. I'm now 28, and 20 weeks pregnant and actually enjoying it :) I have my wobbles every now and again but have the techniques to focus my head and leave the world of HA behind me :)

As I said above please contact me if you want to ask questions but I hope the above can shed a bit of positivity amongst you...

Can I ask, are you still getting the brain zaps you mentioned on another thread? It's absolutely the only thing holding me back from accepting my diagnosis of anxiety.

I'm still getting the brain zaps from time to time, I don't take any meds, and it just scares me so much.

I'm so pleased that you have been able to recover and just want to get there myself.