View Full Version : Daughter keeps getting sick

14-12-15, 01:52
About a month ago she ended up having a virus, cat scratch fever, and pink eye all at the same time. She's 6 if that helps. Anyway today she came home from staying at my moms with a bad cough and fever of 100.00. She has been coughing all day. Seems like she just keeps getting rid of this nasty cough and then it cones right back. Idk if this is my own anxiety and fears kicking in. She in in kindergarten. She's already missed s bunch of days already and going to miss more now. My anxiety brain is telling me to make her an appt tomorrow's but my normal brain is telling me it's just a cold and she'll be fine. It just seems like since she's been in school she's been sick! I can't help but worry about her and check on her every 5 seconds when she's sleeping :/

14-12-15, 03:09

Please try not to worry too much about all this.

Firstly, children your daughter's age are open to getting sick ALL of the time, because of the environments they are in, that being around lots of other kids in kindergarten/school, etc. It is a breeding ground for coughs, snuffly noses/colds, gastroenteritis, you name it! This is all pretty standard stuff.

As far as your daughter's symptoms now, I don't think it is at all overly-anxious or unreasonable to make an appointment tomorrow. She has a low-grade fever - which children can have with viral illnesses like the common cold - but if she is coughing badly it may well be worth having the doctor listen to her chest, just in case it is something bacterial going on there which can be treated with antibiotics. If she has a productive cough too, then it is definitely worth a check-up.

Please be reassured again that your daughter is not unusual for a young child. (I was a paediatric nurse for many years, and have seen many children with similar ailments!) The main thing is that she is keeping her fluids up and her temperature is being controlled....those are the most important things to watch for, but as a Mom you will know what is normal for her and not normal for her anyway.

Children are very tough little things, but if it helps to reassure you, I would get her booked in for that appointment. :)

14-12-15, 04:34
Thanks for the reply. Yes she's keeping food down, but she says her belly is upset but I think it's from all the mucus. She's sleeping right now and she's kinda breathing fast and whistling out her nose. Makes me scarred but I know she's just congested. I will see how she is tomorrow and decide if she should see the dr.