View Full Version : VERY sore throat for 3 days, no other symptoms. Scared!

14-12-15, 13:51
Hi everyone! Please ease my fears! I woke up Saturday morning with a really bad sore throat. I just figured I was coming down with a cold (as that is how colds usually start out for me) so I wasn't too concerned. By Saturday night this sore throat was unlike any others I've ever had. Usually they are scratchy but this one felt more bruised. I would brace myself anytime I swallowed. I still wasn't too worried though. Yesterday, I woke up and it was even worse. I could barely swallow and I had a fever of 102 and had body aches. I thought maybe strep throat (I've never had it before, even with both my kids have had it in the past), so I went to the urgent care center and saw a doctor. They did a strep test but it came back negative and he told me it was viral. I came home and looked in the throat and its very red and my right tonsil is HUGE! My left one is normal size and the sides of my neck (lymph nodes I assume) are very sore. Today I still have a slight fever, 99/100 range but the body aches have subsided but this sore throat HURTS! I can barely eat/drink anything. I'm worried its something serious! :( :weep:

14-12-15, 14:07
Hi Leslie

I am no Doctor but I may be able to ease your concern!

3 weeks ago I came down with cold/flu like symptons and then came the humungous cold sore cross my top lip.. a couple of days late my right hand side of neck was massive and the glands were extremely painful :-(

I made an appointment to see the nurse who prescribe ibuprofen but that did nothing for the pain or the swelling.. the following day I had an emergency appointment with the dr who said I was extremely poorly and prescribed antibiotics for what she thought was a salivary gland infection,.

fast forward a week and antibiotics were done but hadn't made me better so back to the drs I went and signed offwork again.. turns out I have glandular fever.,

my glands are going down now but I still feel week. I have had this now for 4ish weeks and only just starting to feel better.

int he height of the pain I had

swollen glands
head ache
ear ache
face ache lol
tiredness (slept solid for nearly 5 days)
sore throat
red and white dots on the roof of my mouth and sore gums

I may have missed some stuff but wanted to let you know to try not to panic ( I panicked- sure it made me worse) the Dr said its viral

hope you feel better soon xx

14-12-15, 14:11
Sounds like you have viral tonsillitis X

14-12-15, 14:21
lottie59: Oh wow, you poor thing! I'm so glad you are feeling better now. :(

daisyflower: How long does it take to go away? Its hurts so bad! :(

14-12-15, 14:28
leslie735 if it is viral and tonsillitis I think It can take a while for it to go.. I know I ve been told that glandular fever can stick around for 6 months and I believe tonsillitis and glandular fever are formed from the same virus :-(

hope you feel better soon babes

14-12-15, 14:32
Thank you lottie59! It sure is painful. :(

14-12-15, 14:40
Usually takes about a week X

14-12-15, 14:42
Usually takes about a week X

Thank you! I hope it goes quickly. I'm graduating from college on Thursday and I have family coming in town and all.