View Full Version : Stinging throat and HcL supplements

14-12-15, 14:26
Hi there

Looks like my HA is flaring up again - always happens just before Xmas when all I want to do is relax and enjoy myself!

I seem to have a problem with my throat at the moment - little bit like the globus I have suffered with in the past, only this time, my throat is sore down the right side as if I have swallowed something sharp and it has scratched it. The sensation does come and go and always starts just after I eat in a morning. Have been to the doc so many times in the past for anxiety related issues and been prescribed Lansoprazole, anti-depressants etc. Am not taking anything at the moment as I went to see an alternative pharmacist who suggested all my indigestion etc could be a lack of acid rather than too much and suggested I do a simple test with lemon juice to see if I get any burning sensation - which I didn't - he then suggested taking a digestive enzyme with HcL to see if that helped. I was anxious about taking these as I didn't want to make matters worse but they seemed ok initially (no burning etc) but this is when the throat thing started. I took them on and off for a couple of weeks and have now stopped them altogether as I am terrified I have caused some long lasting damage to my throat.

Has anyone else had any problems with taking such medication? Surely I am unlikely to have caused damage in such a short time? It's getting worse now simply typing about it!