View Full Version : Afraid of becoming paranoid/bipolar

14-12-15, 15:01
I know this is a stupid irrational fear but it's giving me anxiety attacks. My friend was just recently diagnosed with bipolar and before she thought it was sevre anxiety. It started off with her being depressed and suicidal then she became paranoid thay someone was out to get her and no matter what anyone told her that's what she thought. I've always worried about mental health so hearing all this of course makes me think "what if that happens to me?" Anxiety gives all this strange feelings like cold shoulders and tightness in my back so I wonder if that's what paranoia feels like? I've never been paranoid in my life so I don't know what it feels like. The closest experience I have is when I have anxiety attacks I feel like I have to run and freak out. I dont want to become isolated from the world. That's my worst case scenario and I'm petrified of it happening to me.

14-12-15, 19:42
I can only say that I worry about my mental health too.

My worst fear ever ever ever is that I will become suicidal and not want to live.

I worry so much about bipolar.

I am currently pregnant and having a huge relapse of anxiety/depression as I am fearing getting postnatal depression.

14-12-15, 20:01

I too have paranoid thoughts, and that is all they are, just thoughts how we stop them I have no idea as nothing seems to work for me.

Brokenage - your feelings are for flight as you want to run, this is your bodies way of getting you out of the anxious situation you are in, try not to stress over what you may get because a friend has something, we are all unique and no two people are ever the same.

Scared 11 - please speak with your health visitor if you are worried about pnd, they have a wealth of experience to help you.

Take care
