View Full Version : Lower white blood cell count anyone?

14-12-15, 15:32
Anyone had a lower white blood cell count? I had a blood count a month ago and it was lower than what it should be, got it retested 4 weeks later and it's still down at bit, been having achy legs, back, sides and feel tired, worried sick that it's something bad like leukaemia or something, have to wait another 6 weeks to have it tested again! Wish I could get back to being myself again

14-12-15, 16:32
Were the doctors concerned?

14-12-15, 17:50
She said she didn't think it was something to worry about but I've never felt tiredness like it xx

14-12-15, 18:17
Did they say you were anaemic? I had a blood test about 6 weeks ago as I was very tired hair falling out etx..... And they prescribed me iron tablets because my bloods were low!! So of course I also convinced myself I had lukemia!! I've been told it would show up in a full blood count if it was something like that! They are also monitoring your blood count which is good!! Do you suffer heavy periods?

14-12-15, 19:10
Nah they said that was fine for anemia, I asked about the hormone thyroid test since I have goitre round my neck and had a ultrasound on it, but she said my blood test for thyroid was fine so didn't need the hormone one, I just feel like I'm aching like a 80 year old and feel a lot more tired than usual, I know worrying like mad doesn't help tho

15-12-15, 00:24
Ive had a white blood cell count that was low before and it went back to normal later on. I just had a low immune system .