View Full Version : feeling so alone

14-12-15, 16:43
Today i woke up feeling positive but as the days gone on my whole body has tensed. My stomach feels like it wants to explode at any minute, feel bloated, sooooo tired and all thats going round in my head is 'if i go to the hospital i wont come home for xmas' i have so many good things this week coming up but keep thinking my condition will get worse each day and i wont make the plans i have.

Achy body
Tensed stomach
Feeling spaced out
google like mad
Think im getting iller and iller.

Can anyone relate to me.

Sorry for posting again

14-12-15, 18:01
It sounds like anxiety. I google everything like crazy when I'm feeling like this and my doctors always get mad at me for doing it. However, sometimes I think we just feel like if we had an answer, it would be the first step to fixing us. I'm having my own set of issues today so here I am, googling and searching these boards to see if anyone is going through what I am going through too. :(

14-12-15, 18:28
Hi Katy, don't worry about your symptoms too much I've had every one of them, your body is over reacting to all the worry and so the cycle continues,
how long have you felt like this may I ask?..

14-12-15, 19:40
For the past two months its been bad but suffered for years. I just want to live a healthy life and be ok x

14-12-15, 22:49
For the past two months its been bad but suffered for years. I just want to live a healthy life and be ok x

Have you been to see a doctor?

14-12-15, 22:59
No why do you think i need to?