View Full Version : Alternating fever chills aches but no other significant signs of infection. Please h

14-12-15, 17:09
Hello, well my anxiety is through the roof at the moment. It started escalating a few mnths back because i had a swollen painful red lump in my armpit. It went down in a week and i had another similar but different place one a couple of months later. Went to the doc and had a small breakdown in the office but he reassured me it was just a hair follicle, infected or a sebacious cyst. Very red and painful but no head or anything. Again went down a week later. Then a few weeks after that another exactly same thing, painful armpit red area of skin and small sore bump. Smaller this time. It came up right after shaving this time so i tried not to panic, it went down quickly this time in a couple of days. But now last 2 days I have had a really cold feeling I felt i had a fever and when i took my temp it was 37.8. So a bit high, I have totally lost the plot now, i feel i have lymphoma or leukaemia for sure and i cannot get it out of my mind. I take my temp all the time and it fluctuates now between 37.5 normalish and 35! I have hot flushes at night usually but last two nights i have felt cold rather than hot which is odd. I have awful menopausal symptoms too. If i had a cold or something i wouldnt worry but wwith no other symptoms apart from aches all around the joints back hands etc which come and go and feeling totally shattered I cant thnk it can be anything but the worst! I know i must go to the doc but i just cant make myself do it. Im so embarrassed I keep going in with a deadly disease every time! Any experiences anyone. Feeling desperate tbh.

23-01-16, 13:37
Did you go to the doctor ? Did you find out what it was

23-01-16, 22:13
Try not to worry, I often get blocked follicles and they can be painful, more so when I notice them and start prodding them.
In terms of temperature, this can fluctuate too, when I was in hospital it was 35.5, it was bloody freezing on the ward, they weren't concerned, I'm not sure about adults, but I know with children I was advised only to worry once my sons went over 39.5, you're well below that.
When my anxiety is high, I have night sweats, not the sheet drenching type, but enough to feel hot and pj's damp. I reassure myself knowing that once I'm feeling calmer, they always go.