View Full Version : pulse rate...uneccessary worry???

14-12-15, 18:48
Hi guys. Im Lisa 41.
Suffered with panic attacks pretty much since 12. Over the last several years until about 6-8 months ago I suffered with palpitations and severe anxiety. Ive had nearly every heart test going from bloods to ecgs to scans. The monitors picked up the ocassional skipped beat, which gives me a thud, but nothing else. Been fine for a few months until about 3 weeks ago when ive noticed my heartrate seems to be slow. Not sure what resting heartrate is first thing in the morning but sometimes wake up startled! The problem is Ive noticed it beating really slow or what feels like slow. I sometimes check it while watching tv and its 58 to 60. Im not an exercise person but walk a little more now I have a dog, albeit for 20 mins or half hour and my weight has reduced from 12.6 to 11.6. Im just worried that at 60bpm and not an athlete is this normal? I understand the beat increases when you move but I can feel it going slow and worried its going to stop! Anyone out there get the same whose in a similar position? My hubby says its fine and beating in rhythm but cant get out of my head that somethings wrong at 58 -60bpm while watching tv.

15-12-15, 22:29
Hello Lisa - i am here to reassure you! :) As I understand it, a resting heart rate of 60 beats per minute is perfectly normal (very fit athletes can be as low as 40).

I have a higher heart rate than that and very occasionally my heart beats a little irregularly, too. It was investigated in hospital and the cardiologist has put me on medication to slow my heart rate down. In his letter to my GP - which I have a copy of - he asked him to monitor and adjust the the dose "aiming for a resting heart rate of 60". So there you have it - reassurance straight from the horse's mouth, as it were. :D

Well done you for walking the dog and losing weight - that is win-win! Miserable weather to do it in these days (I have a dog, too) but we will soon be headed towards brighter days again. Best wishes from Annie

15-12-15, 22:55
Same here. Mine has always been in the 50-60 range.