View Full Version : Scared to see movie in London

15-12-15, 00:28
Hi all,
I'm new to the forum, my name is Sanne. I'm pretty anxious about something and I could really use some help.
I'm 39 years old and I have a history with anxiety. Since puberty, off and on, I've been panicking about a lot of things like flying, getting ill, etcetera. It's something I learned to live with and in some cases have learned to overcome.

But for the last few days I've been getting more and more anxious about a trip I'm going on. My girlfriend and I are traveling to London to see the Star Wars premiere on Leicester Sq. this coming wednesday. I've been looking forward to this for years, I'm a huge fan. But -and I really hate to admit it- since the attacks in Paris I've been really scared to go. And it's getting worse every minute. I'm afraid something is going to happen in that theatre and I cannot get the thought out of my head. I read this post about Star Wars showings being a potential target and it's been haunting me since. I know the chances of something happening there and then are negligible, but I can't stop worrying and I'm afraid that -at the very least- my fears are going to ruin the experience completely.

I've visited England once before, never been to London, I don't know the city at all. I have no idea what the theatre looks like, how safe it is, whether security will be sufficient etcetera. I'm already pretty distressed over traveling, and using the channel tunnel (we're travelling from France). And now this.

I hope someone out there can talk some sense into me, I could really use some moral support. Thanks.

15-12-15, 00:39
Hi SanneP :)

I live in London. Not in Leicester Square, but I used to work in that area and know it very well. I have been there many times and always felt safe. I know the 'Paris Attacks' have made everyone nervous, but I think with such an event that precautions will be taken. I would not miss out on your dream because of this. :)

15-12-15, 11:31
It is not impossible that something happens in the stars wars screening. I thought the Same thing as you. Big event, lots of people etc etc.

That said you'd have to be really unlucky for anything to happen to you. There are hundreds of cinemas in London. Security will be extra tight too I would imagine. There has only been 1 terrorist incident in the UK in the last 10 years and that was 7/7 and only around 50 people died. You are more likely to die being hit by a car in London and I doubt you're scared of that.

---------- Post added at 11:31 ---------- Previous post was at 08:01 ----------

I just looked this up for you :)


way more likely to be accidentally killed in a traffic accident, knocked off your bike, falling down the stairs, drowning in a lake or the sea, choking on sick, alcohol poisoning or assault.

15-12-15, 12:02

I'm sorry to hear you are feeling panicky about this!

I think it's good advice to focus on the fact that what you fear is very unlikely to happen, and to take reassurance from the London dwellers. I also read a good book recently, Dr Claire Weekes' 'Self Help for your Nerves', which says that in order to recover from anxiety, it is important not to avoid difficult situations. So you could almost say to yourself, it would be the best thing I could do for my anxiety to go and do this difficult thing. I bet once you were there you could switch off from the anxiety and have a marvellous time - and if you didn't, well, you'd be no worse off, feeling anxious there, rather than feeling anxious at home.

I hope some of this makes sense. Sending hugs!


15-12-15, 15:14
May the force be with you.

15-12-15, 17:36
Thanks everyone. Yes, you're right of course and I know statistics are in my favor, but I'm still ridiculously nervous about tomorrow. These awful scenarios are just repeating themselves in my mind, and I have this strong urge to check with the cinema and/or police about their safety precautions. Which of course would be ridiculous.
My girlfriend and I are on our way to England right now, and I can hardly even talk to her, because I'm completely distracted by these dark thoughts I'm having. She's really sweet though and I'm sure she'll get me through this, but it's not going to be easy.
At least I got through that crazy tunnel in one piece. Thanks again for your support, it's greatly appreciated. May The force be with me indeed. :) I might check in again tomorrow...

15-12-15, 17:40
I am so pleased you decided to make the trip. Try to keep your mind off the subject by taking in the surroundings around you. Keep those positive thoughts and when you get there, I am sure you will be striking up a conversation with another Fan.
Just sorry the weather can not be on your side. That we can't do anything about. :hugs:

15-12-15, 18:17
Let us know how you get on! Will be thinking of you.

15-12-15, 18:55
I'm jealous of you! I won't be able to see it for a while. Be sure to give us your review :)

15-12-15, 19:03
Hope you get to go and ebjoy it. I have been to London a few times and felt safe there. We had some riots here 5 years ago and I was nervous about going to Birmingham the next day but I did it. Look at the support Paris had after the attack, no-one wants extremist groups to win.

Enjoy the film

17-12-15, 20:03
Alright, went out to see the movie yesterday and it was a blast (figuratively speaking, of course :noangel: )There even was a red carpet event and all the cast were there. I stood there among hundreds of fans in a (in my mind) potentially dangerous situation but hung around for three hours. I even managed to score an autograph from Daisy Ridley and JJ. Saw the film afterwards and felt nervous again for the first 20 minutes but I soon relaxed and all in all it was a great effin' day.
Thanks again everybody for your kind words, it really helped.

17-12-15, 21:17
Glad you enjoyed it

17-12-15, 21:22
I saw it too! :)

It was 'meh' ;)

17-12-15, 23:30
I'm totally with you buddy - I was supposed to go see it tonight but ended up cancelling! I was SO excited to see it but the anxiety won in the end. I felt awful sitting here, missing out. My guess is that public venues will be extra vigilant, particularly where there are big crowds. That's great that you went to see it after all! I'm gona book a new ticket in the morning! :)

18-12-15, 23:18
At that kind of event security would be very good, celebrities get looked after more than us mere mortals. :winks:

I'm glad you didn't let it beat you.