View Full Version : Upper and mid back pain

15-12-15, 08:01
Hi guys,

Been struggling for a while. Had a near breakdown in January then an ill fated pregnancy due to a disease my husband and I carry. Happily I am 26 weeks pregnant now with a seemingly healthy baby but really struggling with HA again.

I don't really worry about lower back pain as I'm pregnant but get it anyway. I do carry tension around in shoulders and neck which can cause headaches. This pain though is in between shoulder blades, on ribs at sides and back and extends down into my middle back sometimes. It isn't really exacerbated by food so even though I've been getting heartburn, I don't think its related plus I have peptac on prescription.

I can reach round when I lie down and if I pull the skin and muscle there are a lot of tender spots and if I tilt my neck forward, I can feel tightness right down but I've tried massage and stretching, hot baths etc and nothing is working. I get really stressed about pancreatic cancer and am freaking out about leaving 2 young boys.

I don't want to keep going back to the GP but will if I have to. Just wanted to see what other peoples experiences were.



15-12-15, 10:14
Hey there, firstly congrats on your pregnancy and hope all goes smoothly. I'm not pregnant but suffer very similar symptoms to you and am also freaking out (not unusual). I've also been put on peptac but worried it's something more sinister as I get sharp pain both sides below ribs too. I had gallbladder removed which I thought would fix but hasn't. Have you had any abdominal scans?

15-12-15, 13:14
I had 2 in January but both were clear. I must admit the niggles to move round but then I just worry the cancer has spread! The pain right now is in the middle but I do get pain towards the bottom of the ribs (this morning was left side but at toddler group with my son it was right side). Trying to put off paying £99 for a private scan again.

15-12-15, 16:56
My pain moves around too and I have the same fear it has spread. Sometimes I get this horrible feeling of my body turnig against me it's horrible. I've had quite a few abdominal scans and I've been referred for another. This assures me for a short time there is nothing wrong but then think I need more tests.

What I would say is when I was in hospital with gallstone pains I was going mad with anxiety and forced my hubby to ask loads of questions and he asked about the pancreatic cancer and he said that sort of thing would also show abnormal bloods. He also said that any tumour that had grown big enough to spread would be easily visible on a ultrasound they wouldnt miss it.

Needless to say I was reassured for about a month before the worry started again.

16-12-15, 07:48
I had liver function test bloods but that was January too. I just can't get rid of the pain at all even when I try and rest etc. It ruined last Xmas and now feel its going to do the same again :(