View Full Version : scared I swallowed a foreign object while drinking?

15-12-15, 12:18
This is kinda gross. Today I grabbed a big carton of milkshake from the fridge and was intending to finish it off but as I was drinking (after like two sips) I felt something that shouldn't have been in there touch my lips. It felt solid and quite large, it felt kind of plasticky.

So I immediately pulled away and spat out but there was nothing in my mouth. So then I emptied the rest of it in the sink to see if I could find whatever that was in there, but I couldn't see it either.

So now I'm really worried that I swallowed whatever the hell that thing was. I didn't feel anything in my mouth or any foreign object go down...I have no idea as someone left it without the lid on so anything from the fridge could have fallen in there lol. I'm really hoping it was just a piece of food (gross, I know) but something keeps telling me it was something sharp that could cut my esophagus or intestines. I'm really freaked out now. I keep thinking it's going to cut my insides.

I don't know if I should go to the doctor as I may not have swallowed it at all. But if it wasn't still in the carton, and it wasn't in the sink, there's only one other place it could be, and that's in my stomach! My friend thinks I'm imagining things, but I don't think so, it definitely felt real. And it wasn't off or anything so it's not just a lump of curdled milk, it felt larger than that anyway. I feel so stupid for being a slob and drinking straight from the carton now... :huh:

15-12-15, 13:54
see how you feel. If you get stomach ache then maybe go to the doctors.