View Full Version : Please help!!! Dentist injection concerns!!!!

15-12-15, 12:21
Hey!!!! I'll give you a quick brief on what's been going on!!! I've always been a depression and anxiety sufferer!!!! About 2 months ago I started feeling anxious having heart palps , migraine etc etc so went for a fasting blood count and it came back I have iron deficiency Aneimia! I also had a smear which came back abnormal cells (severe dyskarisios ) that's where I went down hill badly! My panic went manic! During this time I also had a burst tooth abcsess which added to me not eating etc...... Lost a stone in 6 weeks which scared me!!!! In the meanwhile I'm convinced I've had cervical cancer! Lukemia, breast cancer , mole cancer or any other blood disorders!!! I know I sound absolutely nuts!!! .......I've not had my biopsy results from the smear test yet I had the cells burnt away! It's been a month since I had the biopsy and still not heard....... Anyway my tooth snapped this morning and I'm going to the dentist to have it fixed today! Absolutely terrified of the injection because I know my hearts gonna pound from the adrenaline! And also scared of the injection reacting to anything bad in my body like what if I have got something bad going on????? Help????? Xx

15-12-15, 14:32
Hey, you don't need to have adrenaline! I can't take adrenaline so they give me something else, don't know what it is but it doesn't make my heart race. You actually sound like you have a strong head on your shoulders, you've been through a lot but you'll be fine, I can just tell from the way you write. Just call me Mystic Crystal :) ps Anaemia is no biggie if you take an iron supplement and good luck with your biopsy results. Xx

15-12-15, 16:03
Aww Thankyou for your reply!!! I went and I was ok! Very very tense! But got through it! But now the side of my face is numb and has been for two hours so something else for me to freak over!!! Still so numb :doh: x

15-12-15, 16:29
Hey, you don't need to have adrenaline! I can't take adrenaline so they give me something else, don't know what it is but it doesn't make my heart race.

I believe she was concerned about the anxiety adrenaline rush from getting the shot of "Novacaine" which is what the dentist use to numb the area. It's really nothing to be concerned with. A pinch, maybe uncomfortable for a moment and then numb... won't feel a thing... for a while! :D

Positive thoughts

15-12-15, 19:25
I believe she was concerned about the anxiety adrenaline rush from getting the shot of "Novacaine" which is what the dentist use to numb the area. It's really nothing to be concerned with. A pinch, maybe uncomfortable for a moment and then numb... won't feel a thing... for a while! :D

Positive thoughts

Yes I know I have the same reaction, so they give me an alternative. I hate the racing heart it gives me.

15-12-15, 19:53
Thanks for your replys :) it finally wore off after 4 hours of numbness!!! Hated it!!! And got another one next tues!!!! Ahhhh :bighug1::weep: but good thing is , is the adrenalin wasn't there!!!! And I don't mind a bit of pain so I didn't even feel the injection was just the numbness that freaked me the hell out lol xx