View Full Version : Upper abdominal discomfort/pressure when walking

15-12-15, 13:17
Hi all,

Let me start by saying that I am so glad to having discovered this forum and am hoping someone out there has experienced similar things to me.

This is my story. About 2 years ago I would get this upper abdominal discomfort or a feeling of pressure when walking, standing, upon completion of certain exercises (eg. dips) in the gym or generally when engaging my core. These symptoms would come and go. I am a 31 year old male who has been exercising regularly (3-5 times a week) for the past 10 years or so. I primarily do "bodybuilding" and do not take any steroids or supplements.

About 5 weeks ago I went to the gym and started doing bicep curls. After completing the first set I felt this difficulty breathing, as if someone was pushing against or holding my solar plexus. I thought it would go away if I continued with another 2-3 sets. It didn't and by the time I reached the 4th set I had serious issues breathing. I left the gym and went home and that is when it hit me, I believe I had my first panic attack. The fear overcame me, my heart started pounding, I could not breathe and I was sweating. I kept on going in and out of this state for a good 30 minutes or so.

Since then I have not been the same. I lost appetite for a good 2 weeks. Did not even feel like drinking water. I would constantly belch even after drinking tiny amount of water. Felt like I was belching for no reason.

One week after the first incident I went to the ER because I thought I was having a heart attack. Symptoms were similar to the ones described above. They hooked me up to ECG, ran blood tests, chest x-ray and found nothing odd. I settled and was discharged.

To date I have done the following tests in an effort to find a diagnosis as to what may be causing this discomfort.

- Chest X-Ray
- Full blood tests (in ER and by my GP)
- Upper GI Ultrasound
- Gastroscopy
- Echo
- Stress Echo

and everything seems normal. I thought perhaps I had a haital hernia but the gastroscopy has ruled that out. After doing all of these tests I am starting to think that all of this may be in my head, anxiety perhaps? Basically I have not been the same since the first incident 5 weeks ago. My GP has prescribed Valium (as a test) which seems to have an effect.

Also worthwhile mentioning is that I have this constant feeling of a lump in my throat and there is frequent mucus. I thought perhaps I have silent reflux? Or perhaps I do indeed have some kind of a physical problem eg. diaphragm or other respiratory muscle damage from years of weight lifting? Not sure how to test for that.

Anyone had similar experience and could anxiety be causing my symptoms?

15-12-15, 22:36
If I was you I would not take the Valium as it could make anxiety worse. Straight up Steroids cause anxiety even those that are not anabolic. I'm not saying your using them but if you have been sick and took something like prednisone. Also don't eat before a workout you should wait an hour or two. Once you start focusing on normal body sensations the mind can amplify it. Hopefully it's just muscle fatigue, make sure your getting potassium, magnesium, and approperate sodium in your diet.

---------- Post added at 16:36 ---------- Previous post was at 16:33 ----------

I think you in your 30s and age is starting to get ya. I been through almost the samething as you.

16-12-15, 10:16
Hi Jherron,

thanks heaps for your input. If you don't mind, could you please share more of your experience with this issue? Have you ever been diagnosed or worked out what was causing it?

With me, I am sort of splitting this into two. The time before my very first panic attack and the time after the panic attack. I think that whatever caused/causes my epigastric discomfort and therefore breathing difficulties is not anything life threatening but the panic/anxiety experience has messed with my head.

I have become aware of just about every inch of my body. My breathing is constantly on my mind and so is the anticipation of this discomfort that will eventually lead to shortness of breath. I do not want to develop some kind of health anxiety although I think I may be half way there. I am guy who used to displace 10 tones of weights within 45 minutes (chest workout) and then cycle 5-6km right afterwards. I went from that to basically a "vegetable" just sitting around afraid to exert himself so I don't end up with those breathing difficulties that I caused in the gym. I have not been to the gym since then, 5 weeks ago!!

Over the past 2 years I have noticed this pressure/discomfort come and go and I have noticed it would disappear when I would have time off of work and could sleep in and relax. This leads me to believe that it may be stress and therefore bloating/GI related. I am thinking of seeing a GI specialist to see if I perhaps have some sort of IBS. I burp quite often and pass gas too. I also often wake up nauseous.

17-12-15, 00:34
Brother my chest gets tense and so does my adominals. My back, my neck almost all my muscles will feel sore. The more I use them though the less the tighten. After a day of anxiety you will feel like you had a workout. The muscles feel sore and it just drains you of energy. I use to workout when I was in my teens. I have not done weight training in a long time. When I did workout I was 5'9 , 170lbs. I could bench like 275 max and leg press somewhere in the 600 lbs. I think I could curl with two dinner plates and military press with 4. I could be wrong don't really remember it much as it was a decade ago. What I can tell you is the more you don't use those muscle groups the more they are going to tense. Your body is use to you using up your energy also. I have learned when you don't use up your energy the body finds a way to use it. I have dealt with anxiety since I was 12 or 13. Trust me when I say this it can throw you for a loop. If your focused on body sensation the mind will amplify it. Even normal things might freak you out. I have been through the same thought processe, thinking something bad will happen if I exert myself. I have been diagnosed with IBS, Depression, anxiety. Try drinking some whole milk before bed to see if it helps with nausea. I know when I'm stressed my stomach makes loads of acid and my digestion speeds up. You might be swallowing air when you eat. I know when I'm anxious and focused on my breathing during a meal it causes gas and bloating. Im just telling you what I have went through thus far.