View Full Version : Feeling shaky have done something bad

15-12-15, 14:10

I am not having too good a time at work lately and it is the cause of my anxiety. Today I went to a manager and saw a document on his screen and in it was a paragraph on staffing with a comment that relationships are fraught between me and a colleague along with other things. I never got to see more than that.

I then saw a friend who works in our hr dept and mentioned it to her and she knows how anxious and paranoid I can get, she said a few things like I should not have read it (but with my paranoia right now I can't seem to stop it) and that I should speak with my manager.

Since this I have been all shaky and just been in tears with a friend, as

a) - I have my end of year appraisal on Thursday so not sure if what I read will be mentioned
b) - What may be said in my appraisal anyway
c) - This will be used to try to get rid of me
d) - I don't think she will but what if my friend in hr will speak to anyone and it get back to my manager

I know I shouldn't have looked but like I say I am paranoid and feel like I need to prove my thoughts.

Don't know what to do anymore


15-12-15, 16:45
relationships being fraught doesn't mean it's your fault, does it?

15-12-15, 18:03
No it doesn't but when you are anxious and paranoid it seems like it is, wished I knew more on employment law but scared to google because I may find stuff I don't want to know

15-12-15, 18:54
What's the worst thing that could happen?

15-12-15, 18:56
I will be sacked from a job and company I love