View Full Version : worried

15-12-15, 15:14
Hi not sure whats going on but since saterdayive been worring im getting depression ever since my sistertold me i look down but i dont feel that way i just looked so anxiose as i was at my grandaughters party as i find it very dificult going to social events and because she said that to me i only stayed for half a hour as because she said that to me i thought everyone else must be thinking the same, so ever since i cant get it out my mind that am getting depression and even been googling the symtoms which i know i shouldnt as it has only made me worse and even more confused as i dont know if i have anxiety or depression as alot of the symtoms are similar, and on top of that the last few days ive been really strugling with dealing with any problems that has happened as strait away when something does happen my stomach starts feeling wierd feel as if i neef to open my bowels and just get so overwelmed and really anxiouse and then start thinking why cant i cope with problems that arise and cope with it like eveyone else in stead of reacting like i do,and thats when i start thinking i must be geting depression or going crazy, sorry for posting as it is worring me as to why ive been like it the past few days.

15-12-15, 19:31
Anyone can appear down in the dumps on occasion and it is a human emotion. I have never had depression so can't comment on it but I do have anxiety.

Having anxiety and being anxious are also not the same. We all feel anxious and nervous over things like job interviews, public speaking, exams etc and usually once the event has passed so does the anxiousness. Having anxiety means you overthink situations and it gets out of control, you then imagine the worst and seem to live life in a panic. Ask yourself if it is just not liking social situations or are you afraid of them. Anxiety can be limited to one specific thing or can be more general.

Also avoid googling symptoms, you tend to get the wrong answers.


15-12-15, 20:02
Thk you claire for replying back to me you have been very helpful and ill stop the googling xx.

17-12-15, 14:49
I've long held the view that having an anxiety disorder means you will have periods of low mood that could be seen as depression. How could you not? How can you remain happy and not let things get to you when you are taking a kicking everyday from all these symptoms, feelings, emotional disturbance and all the negative thinking about what we perceive ourselves as? Just anxiety alone brings so much intensity that sometimes it becomes too much and it spills over into tears.

Emotional disturbances are easily where this happens as emotions are more powerful than thoughts, feelings & sensations. Everybody reaches that point many times in their lives and it's natural. It's human. Wouldn't it be worse if we were so detached from ourselves that we didn't?

I know what you are thinkin, Tricia. You have some strong underlying worries about losing control of your mind or that you could harm yourself, and people on here worry about depression because they equate it with the possibility if self harm. I've seen that said quite a few times on here when people worry about suffering depression BUT thats just all the usual distortion because depression is very common thesedays and they have forums just like this one where they talk. They are not all suffering so deeply that they are harming themselves, thats a misconception about depression and probably why people with anxiety latch onto it as a worry.

You know you weren't feeling depressed, and to be honest if someone said "you look depressed", would you care at all if you actuallt were? I know with my low moods that at the worst of them I have had thoughts about not caring if the world around me burned, I just didn't care about anything. I wouldn't have reacted if someone has pulled a gun on me let alone made a comment, I just couldn't seem to care about anything. My low moods were always initiated by my anxiety blips and they are thankfully under much greater control now, courtesy of high strength Omega 3 and reading some of the threads on here by people who got me started looking into it.

17-12-15, 16:00
We all have off days whether it's connected to Anxiety or depression or not.
You shouldn't have to walk around with a big cheesy grin on your face just to please other people!!!!! MynameisTerry is right, you know how you feel, not your sister.

your symptoms sound like anxiety, just like Chocolateface says we all get like that.

DON'T Google as it will only feed your anxiety.

17-12-15, 16:29
my daughter lives with me with my grandson,i also have two teenagers at home too,my daughter with the baby is so nasty all the time,she makes me have anxiety attacks,she is never got any empathy for me,i have sciatica really bad and she has got worse since she has had to doo more in the house and do the shopping,when she starts I feel overwhelmed with fear,i feel like im looked upon as a loony as she as sometimes put it,i really hate my exisitance

18-12-15, 23:16
my daughter lives with me with my grandson,i also have two teenagers at home too,my daughter with the baby is so nasty all the time,she makes me have anxiety attacks,she is never got any empathy for me,i have sciatica really bad and she has got worse since she has had to doo more in the house and do the shopping,when she starts I feel overwhelmed with fear,i feel like im looked upon as a loony as she as sometimes put it,i really hate my exisitance

That's awful! I don't want to appear disrespectful of your daughter but she is damn well lucky having your support in the first place and could have a lot more top do struggling in her own place! You deserve better than this and she should respect you more. Aside from the anxiety, your sciatica is pretty severe and you can't be expected to do everything until it's better. In that respect she is being selfish but to think of your mother in this way is just unthinkable to me. :hugs:

19-12-15, 12:21
Hi thk you all so much for your advice and support, i went to see my gp yesterday about the symtoms and how ive been feeling and she said that its the anxiety and that im nore anxiouse than depressed, she also said that she thinks that it sounds like that for some reason i am abit obsessed with the anxiety as i cant seem to exept that it is just anxiety even tho apart of me knows its just anxiety but for some reason my mind wont exept it, i know she is right wat she is saying as ive always thought that myself and i think ive ive posted before about it feels im obsessed with the anxiety , andshe said i just need help with my thought process and maybebecause i have a assessment with the ment health team the end of this mnth they might suggest some kind of therapy to help me, but i dont want to get my hopes up as ive had cbt a few times over the yrs and it didnt really help me very much as the last time i had it the therapist stoped it after 6wks because he said i wasnt constistance enough and that because im reluctant to take antidepressants he felt he no longer could help me untill i started taking them, so im worried that the mental health team will say the samething, i really dont want to take ants at all as i just feel there must be otherkinds of treatment i could have to help me rather than take something that i dont want to take, im just petrified to take them even just thought of taking them makes me feel so scared, i know that maybe the pills might help just to take the egde off the anxiety and that my gp etc are only trying to help me get better by trying them but i just cant do it and just feel that because im so reluctant to take them the mental health team will refuse meany help or try and force me to take them.

19-12-15, 13:57
Many people struggle to accept it's only anxiety, Tricia, it's actually a criteria for several of the Somatoform Disorders and the HA people on here will tell you all about how they struggle with this too. HA covers OCD too and I can tell you for a fact that people with OCD have that exact problem too, I've spoken to many of them and seen it.

It's about accepting it but acceptance is very hard. Acceptance is usually discussed in how to use it to recover but accepting your actual disorder is another hurdle to get over.

I know you have trouble accepting it and I bet others on here do to, because we see the themes in what you say e.g. struggling to accept others feel like this too, the worries over the intrusive thoughts and now the depression. These are all signs of someone struggling to accept that what they are feeling could be anxiety and should be something more powerful mentally or physically. But anxiety can be very powerful and affects us physically in many ways too. Remember, when I was at my worst I was so anxious just washing, eating or brushing my teeth made me panic. But I always knew it was anxiety, and in truth I didn't spend my time researching or Googling so didn't introduce all those doubts. I have had to fend of some of those doubts as I have learnt about what I am going through but not having the HA traits meant I could brush it aside.

CBT isn't the only therapy. The CMHT's offer many forms of therapy and can offer intergrative therapy which is just elements from several that are tailored to your needs. CBT isn't very good for acceptance from what I have seen but there are newer forms of it such as ACT which are more geared to this and maybe these will help you more?

No one can force you take meds, the law won't allow it. The Mental Health Act only allows such provisions in the case of sectioning and you aren't in danger of that. If you were, your GP would have already invoked that process for you to be reviewed and each time you have been through appointments & therapy, no one has felt the need to do that. This is another one of those doubts & worries you have and you are far from alone on here with it, or in the greater anxiety community...this is a small forum in reality compared to the number of sufferers out there.

They can refuse treatment if they think you need meds but there are ways to take that forward. It's not worth considering this until you are in that position. That therapist you saw before was only one opinion and to be honest, IAPT people are not exactly that experienced when it comes to meds, the next level you are going to are so see what they think is right...and as shown by some posters on here some of those nurses are actually against using meds unless there are no other options!