View Full Version : Just been prescribed this med help?

15-12-15, 19:37
I am awful with meds I've had horrendous side effects on all anti depressants.
I'm on pregabalin 400mg a day which helps with my anxiety mildly. Well did.

Today I had my first appt with the physc. She prescribed this med at 10mg to start with and promazine. I've just found out promazine is a anti physc drug and not heard good things so I don't wanna take it now so what about this med? Any positive experiences?

I'm such a mess I can't go on feeling this way but at the same time I'm petrified of meds cause of my history. Been in tears all night over this!
Also is it the same as citalopram as I didn't have a good experience on that!

It's for generalised anxiety disorder, panic disorder, ocd and severe depression.

04-01-16, 00:54
Im only on wee 3 of escit. Its not too bad as a start up woth regards to side effect. Ive had a reduced appitite but i need to lose 5 stone so not a bad thing. The worst for me is insomnia. .. then im mega tired during the day but ive been assured tthis will go in a few weeks. My mood has started lifting already tho