View Full Version : Alone in the dark in a powercut

20-02-07, 19:32
Hi All

Just realised I have (for now) at least one form of communication still working.

We have a power cut here. I have one candle because of my eating disorder I have practically nothing not plastic on which to stand one *sigh*, no phone because that needs power, my mobile battery is about to die, no proper internet as that needs the router (I'm on data card which is unrealiable), and I am not sure how long the battery on my laptop will last.

Feeling all alone and quite scared here.


20-02-07, 19:40

Oh no I hate power cuts - doesn't it go so quiet and dark?

Just a suggestion - can you go for a drive for a bit to somewhere where it is lighter so not so scary?

I am sure it won't be long before it is back on again mate.

20-02-07, 19:41
Aw Karen Hunny!

Hopefully it won't be too long. I find the electricity companies here are quite good at geting it back on again. Not sure South of the border tho! I do think with their modern technology it is easier for them to pinpoint where a fault is and so fix it.
Hopefully you will be back on soon.

20-02-07, 23:33
Aww Karen how horrible for you.

I do hope the power is back on by now.

Thinking of you,

Big (((((Hugs)))))

Lisa x

20-02-07, 23:35
Glad you went to Jacs in the end and hope the powers back now mate.

Piglet xx

21-02-07, 00:18
Thank you Nic, Lisa, Happyone and Piglet.

As Piglet said, just after posting this Jac thankfully came to the aid of my distressed text message and I went round there for the evening. I tried to get back on here to post before I went but not only had the power died, the data card died too :angry: . So I couldn't let you know.

Electric just back on and I am so relieved. It was so eerie and I felt so alone and cut off here in the dark. I came back from Jac's armed with torches and tea lights!

Thank you all for your support :) .

Karen xx

21-02-07, 02:19
Glad you had a nice evening in the end and now have power again.

Lisa x

21-02-07, 03:16
Yes and long may it last. Couldn't even boil water for a hot water bottle for my stomach pains.

I hope everything still works in the morning or I'll be panicking again :oopsie:

Karen xx

21-02-07, 03:33
I hope you have power in the morning too, I expect you will. At least it will be daylight if it happens then.

Lisa x

21-02-07, 12:06
Glad you went out and did something during the powercut Karen It sounds like you had a lovely evening into the bargain! It is eerie when all the lights are out isn't it?

(I think he is supposed to be an 'eek' emoticon!)

21-02-07, 13:11
Glad Jac 'rescued' you. In the end, it must have been nice to have some company.

So there is a silver lining behind every cloud....