View Full Version : high anxiety on a morning.

16-12-15, 08:23
Please read and if you are able to comment I could sure use the reassurance. Why are my anxiety levels so much higher when I wake up? It is horrible waking up like this and causes me issues for the day ahead. It has also made me dread going to work as I panic about panic and anxiety attacks whilst at work. I will be off for christmas shortly but have gained this unrational fear of the last day at work and if im honest I dont know why. But I cant seem to stop thinking about it which has made it worse. Itts just another day! But I have got my self in a state about it. Please if you are abke I would love some reasurance and advice.


16-12-15, 10:55
Hi Bulldog,

Absolutely, this is 100% the way it is with me. I am at my worst early in the morning (waking up at 6am, panic attacks etc) and gradually improve as the day goes on, and by the evening I feel virtually normal again. I believe the morning anxiety is quite a common feature of the problem.

I hope you manage to find some relief and alleviate your worries about the last day of work. I think the festive season can be quite a stressful time full stop, so perhaps give yourself a break from feeling stressed about feeling stressed about it, if you see what I mean...!

Hope you're having a good day,


16-12-15, 12:22
Worse in the mornings here too (and just before bed).

16-12-15, 15:29
I am worse in the morning too, it doesn't help getting up in the dark either. Not sure how to stop it but you are not alone


16-12-15, 22:55
I get this too, anxiety highest in the mornings (unless something unusual happens). As I go throughout the day it gradually lessens and is lowest in the evenings. From what I've read and heard from others it's because of cortisol in our bodies that is highest in the monrings to help us wake up. And since cortisol is a stress hormone, it naturally raises anxiety especially if you are prone to it.

What I have been told is to try exercising, meditating or focusing intently on your morning routine. I haven't tried exercising in the morning yet but have tried focusing on my routine and good things that can happen that day. It's not easy but does help.