View Full Version : Intrusive thoughts about relationship?

16-12-15, 10:52
Hi folks

I am a GAD and HA sufferer, but recently have started to have an obsession about my relationship, whether it is the right one for me etc. It's really driving me nuts, even though qualitatively I know I love my partner, I can't stop doubting and feeling guilty, sad, sick about the doubts. It's with me 24/7, worse in the mornings, and I just can't seem to shake the bad thoughts. I do lots of checking up on relationship forums etc. (ironically like I'm doing now!) to try to get reassurance and relieve the anxiety somewhat. It's making it very hard to function and I am quite depressed about it all and wondering how on earth I'm going to get some peace!!

So I guess my question is, is it possible that this is an OCD thing? I'm seeing a therapist tomorrow who may have some ideas too, but it would be helpful to know whether what I've described 'chimes' with any of you guys.

Wishing everyone a good day,


16-12-15, 13:56
Hey beatroon,

First of all welcome to the forum, and yes its perfectly normal even not having OCD you can pop a thought like that, just relax realise its the anxiety talking and enjoy with your partner.

Entering to forums, constantly checking and looking for reassurence is a classic way OCD is manifested, even more in GAD users like you and me, best advice is. Resist the impulse to go looking for information, because it will just fuel anxiety and it will not give you any true peace of mind.

Best of lucks
