View Full Version : Anxiety about going home

16-12-15, 16:30
So I've been in the priory for nearly three weeks and I'm
So Scared about going home. Like stomach wrenching anxiety. I have made it so big in my head and I am thinking horrific thoughts that make me double over in horror. Intrusive thoughts that I don't even like to say out loud, like what if I lose control and hurt someone etc and that I am horrible and don't deserve to have freedom and am doomed. I know its silly but because it bothers me so much it has a hold on me so I go over and over it in an OCD manner and can't let it go :(

16-12-15, 17:06
Surely this is something you should be talking over with your counsellors at the Priory? They will give you much better advice - I am sure they will have seen it all before.

18-12-15, 23:51
Hey Elik :)

I'm so sorry to hear about your anxiety and intrusive thoughts. Cherryade is right you should speak someone in the Priory surely they have advisers/counselors who can provide you with a better insight.

In the meantime all I can provide you is some self-help methods you can do in handling your situation. I know that being in a Priory meditation is a practice. Use it to have focus and control over your thoughts.

You should also consider some breathing and relaxation techniques in dealing with your anxiety. Try improving your confidence as well through positive thinking.

19-12-15, 00:33
Hey Elik. The way you feel now is probably as a result of all the other stuff that's been going on.

Do you have strategies in place to help you cope with severe anxiety? If you've been in the Priory for three weeks, when are you going home - and why are you scared of going home?

I also fear losing control and hurting someone or myself. My therapist says that there's a big difference between thinking something and doing it.

19-12-15, 04:58
In the meantime all I can provide you is some self-help methods you can do in handling your situation. I know that being in a Priory meditation is a practice. Use it to have focus and control over your thoughts.

It's the name of a clinic in the UK, Ray. The Priory. It's where the celebs all go and I know from looking at the OCD side that they have some pretty top of the game docs in there.

---------- Post added at 04:58 ---------- Previous post was at 04:54 ----------

Intrusive thoughts are "ego dystonic", elik. That means they are the opposite of true character & beliefs. So, in reality getting intrusive thoughts actually proves the opposite of what you are now concerned about.

You have never come across as anyone that would harm people. Obviously we only see what you write but a) I've been through harm-based intrusive thoughts and got rid of them and b) I've know violent people and trust me, violent people wouldn't be on here, they would be out getting drunk and getting into something they can get violent about as they enjoy it. They don't have anxiety about it and any remorse only comes from being caught and using it in the dock to reduce a sentence. It takes a serious shift in a violent person to change.

You must be paying a fair amount of money to The Priory so you need to take advantage of the people that are being paid to support you.

19-12-15, 08:10
I think it's very normal to feel scared about returning home when you've been protected in a hospital environment for 3 weeks. Especially at Christmas. I'm sure the Priory's staff and therapists are well aware of how people can feel and you will have a regular follow-up outpatients schedule which may even include CPN at-home visits so you will not be on your own once you are discharged. It's not like the NHS.

It's a frightening time though so you must talk about your fears to your key workers?