View Full Version : Why am i always anxious about stupid petty things!

16-12-15, 17:58
Seriously, im so sick of my anxiety, it makes me worry about little petty insignificent things

Like one of my housemates is moving out in two days
but im always asking him if hes cool with me blah blah

And its like what the hell?
in two days ill never see him again in my life, he will have no significance to me, my life or the house,
why do i care about ``being cool with him``

Im so sick and tired of being anxious about what people think of me

its really ruining my life always being anxious about what people think

Im on 30mg citolopram, but i seriously need advice about what to do

Is anyone else here going through the same where you are always anxious about little insignificant things?

16-12-15, 18:39
Yup...I think a part of anxiety is worrying what people think of you.

16-12-15, 18:50
Yup...I think a part of anxiety is worrying what people think of you.

do you have the same as me?


16-12-15, 19:09
Would this be thought of as social anxiety? ... I often think of the need to be accepted by others as a major lack of confidence. Tbh, I feel that this is something that is imparted as part of good parenting. Confidence in one's own lovability and "worth". I think those who didn't get that growing up, and especially those of us who were bullied, are seriously lacking in self-confidence. Huge contributor to anxiety, don't you think?

16-12-15, 19:40
im the same I feel im a bad person not good enough,not a good mother to my six kids,ive been on my own no partner for 20 years now, I have no parents no partner,a daughter who moved away to cornwall 4 years ago taking my grandkids with her,i rarely see her when she went she said well at least youll always have a holiday now,she knows I cant afford holidays she took me once the first year she left and that's it,now she just makes excuses up,out of sight out of mind,(ive only ever had two holidays in my adult life)lived on benefits since 81,a son of 31 who never bothers with me,ive barely seen his children at all,he lives in the same area as me as well,ive no friends,as I became a mum aged 17,so ive no social life feel im inlovable unlikable undateble,i feel like a complete waste of space and a freak to be honest,ive nothing in comman with anyone in my family they all have lives partners money capable of working etcbut I had a good childhood to be fair,although a couple of times when as a teenager I asked my mum if I was pretty,(this was after seeing two of my friends mums telling them how pretty they looked when they were ready to go to a party)my mum replied im not answering that your bigheaded enough as it is,my mum was a lovely person very quiet and a good mum and wife,this did have an effect on me,but to be fair I have had panic attacks since age 5 way before that,i live with my three im always feeling im not good enough(ive only ever had two holidays in my adult life)my eldest son died 20 years ago it will be on march 20th,he was 17 and got menigitus.i always wanted a big family,biut feel so abandoned by them,many people say well you have to let them go and yes that's true,but I lived next door to my parents when my mum died xmas 08 I became part carer for my dad until he died xmas 09,since then my life gets worse and worse financialy emotionally and yes physically,fear of everything makes everything worse vicious cycle really

17-12-15, 05:31
Aw, Linda, I feel for you. I understand, as my two grown children have nothing to do with me, either. THIS was the root of my anxiety flare two years ago, realizing that I will likely be quite alone in my old age. Knowing as we do how infirmity invariably strikes, it is hard to ignore that fear of being so vulnerable. I became extremely depressed as a result. ...

Being diagnosed and treated has helped some, but it also helped to allow myself to be glad to live in a country where the social system is in place so this need not happen. Talk to your doctor and let him know of your concerns. So long as we take part in the medical system, we aren't forgotten, you know? When illness strikes or the time comes that you are living on your own, you will be on a list for care, try not to worry. Do what you can, and you'll be looked after. Maybe no trips, but warm, fed, and safe. xx