View Full Version : Massive Veins...Where are they coming from??

16-12-15, 20:10
Hi all,

I struggle with health anxiety and deal with a multitude of symptoms, with one of my greatest fears being blood clots. I am 29 and have been diagnosed with reticular and varicose veins along the back of both of my legs (this was back at the beginning of October). I have an appointment to have these removed mid-January, but I have noticed over the past couple months the veins are getting MUCH bigger, longer, and seem to be multiplying!! I look like a human road map! They are also causing quite a bit of discomfort. I do have compression stockings, but I don't think they are helping at all.

Does anyone know what would cause these veins to be getting worse?? The doctor told me heredity, but I don't know anyone in my family that has any varicose veins. I'm worried if there is a blockage or something wrong with an artery or heart issue?

16-12-15, 22:32
hey there I just joined this site LOOKING for this particular subject. I too seem to have visible veins all over my legs..im 33 not overweight...my legs also get stabbing pains and tenderness in the veiny areas. I TOO have a MASSIVE clot phobia its so scary ... I havnt been to docs yet as I keep putting it off but I am MUST try and at least get looked at soon to be on safe side, Hope all is ok for you. No advice I'm afraid as info on net RE veins is very conflicting :hugs:

16-12-15, 23:34
I'm not overweight either...no other risks of blood clots except birth control pills, but I've heard it's rare. My veins today are sticking out SO badly. I've been wearing my compression stockings for the past 2 days and it almost feels like it's making it worse??

I'm just trying to tell myself I'll see the doctor in about 3 weeks and can talk with him then, but I can't figure out why they keep getting bigger.

I am very pale as well, so I'm a bit see through- but these stick out!

17-12-15, 09:02
Sometimes this is hereditary. When one says hereditary it doesn't have to be mom and dad it could come from your great great grandmother. When it comes to genes it's a roll of the dice.i have these too if it becomes a nuisance talk to a vascular surgeon he'll be more than happy to zap them off lol.

17-12-15, 19:52
Yes, I am having a couple removed mid-January. I just can't figure why the suddenly seem to be getting worse...and multiplying! They really did just appear out of nowhere and it's gone downhill from there...

21-02-18, 12:28
Hi Anxious, i know this thread is old. Any updates or anyone with similar issue ?