View Full Version : does anyone know anything about ecgs

16-12-15, 20:49
hi sorry to bother everyone but i was looking for advice

i was in hospital 3 days ago because i had upper back back and was being sick im 25 f they checked bp which was fine oxygen was fine pulse was fine
they did an ecg i laid down she applied pads but didnt tell me when to sit stil i remeber turning my head and it started printing well she said oh im going to do it again so i sat really still

afterwards she showed doc who called me in and said i needed blood tests but when i said was ecg ok she said yes
they gave me the two ecgs to take to the a and e staff when i looked at first one it was really erratic at one point but then was fine the readout said normal ecg ?(fast rate)
the second looked completly normal
i felt so poorly i didnt think to bring it up to the doctor he just said your heart trace looks fine
i went home and next day i felt a little better then aniexty kicked in and i thought omg it could of meant something really dangerous
i rang the hospital back and a nurse had a look she said maybe u just moved but i cant remember 100 per cent if i did or not she said they wouldnt of sent u home if it was anything to worry about but i cannot stop worrying oen why it went erratic but said normal??! and two if i should of pushed it more
iv had loads of ecgs in past which were completly normal
any advice?>

16-12-15, 23:05
Unless you're trained on how to read ecg data, you can't really look at one and determine how your heart is based on how "erratic" it looks. If you were anxious your HR will naturally go up, and it will look different from a fast HR to a slow HR. Your HR can be 200bpm without abnormalities on the ecg. Conversely, it can be 60bpm and show abnormalities. Whether it looks "erratic" or not isn't what the doctor is looking for. If your doctor and nurse, who are trained in reading ecg data, say you're fine, then you are fine.

16-12-15, 23:39
Same as what rsanchez said.

I ended up in A&E during my first panic attack, having palpitations and constant heart rate around 150 and I had two ECGs. Same happened to me where one of the nurses had to get a second opinion on the second reading, which totally freaked me out. Howeve, I was totally fine and the reason she had asked was because my heart rate was so high so obviously the readings were a bit unusual

Honestly, if the doctor said it was fine then it is, they are trained to spot anything and it wouldn't have made a difference if you'd said or not as they would have checked them themselves.

Hope you feel better soon x

17-12-15, 07:48
thank you both i kinda know in my heart it probly nothing
my rate was show as rapid rate it was the rythm that was out just at the beginning of the first one the lines were up and down quite dramatic then it evened out and went normal looking i am really sensitive at the moment dont know if xmas stressing me out and this is my bodys way of releasing it but its doing my head in its like all i can think of what if it was a sporadic abnormality what if it is a sign something wrong but then i think the second ecg was completly normal

17-12-15, 08:31
Relax if they suspected the slightest sign of any type of heart problems you would have been admitted to the hospital. I went through a huge heart scare a year ago and anxiety made my pulse 200+ and my BP 200/160 it was all me. Remember the mind is a powerful tool and you control it do the let it control you.

17-12-15, 10:06
thank you hun i normally have control but at the moment every pain every feeling is scaring the life out of me