View Full Version : Lump / node under jaw - anyone??

17-12-15, 00:41
Hi everyone, I have this hard lymph node thing under my jawline in the middle, it's been there for probably a year or maybe less I can't remember. It hasn't grown I don't think though it might feel a bit harder? It's about 1cm and is semi-hard doesn't really move much but only a little when I put it I between 2 fingers.

It used to feel sore and swell a bit on and off along with a few other lymph nodes ( I think ) in my neck for no reason that happened for a year or so and happens every so often now.

I've visited a few docs who never really said much about it one refered me to an ent about 4 months ago but I've not heard from them yet. Getting more and more worried about this particular node that isn't budging. I have to dig a bit to feel it it is not under the skin but feels like it could e attached to my jaw :s really scared as Google says this is a sign of a cancer in there :weep:

Of course I'm convinced I've got lymphoma or a cancer after doing loads of googling. I've got mild gum disease and ear pain as well but I don't think this would cause nodes like this? Anyone?

Really seeking some knowledge if anyone has ever had anything similar what was it? I'm really struggling!!

Picturing being in a wooden box here :weep:

17-12-15, 08:57
Calm down I have the same thing. It gets sore when I bite my tongue or get a canker sore. It use to get sore when. I would poke at it all day because I was terrified of getting lymphoma. Trust your docs not Google. Anything ailment you have will be cancer if you put your trust in google. Leave the node alone. Sometimes the area makes the nodes seem hard because it's so tight and close to muscle and bone. I know it's hard but trust the MDs . If it gets more painful or larger without you touching it or have any mouth sores let your doctor know you are concerned.