View Full Version : SCARED. dental issues. will these cavitys kill me? :(

17-12-15, 01:18
so I have had 2 cavitys for a long time. one large cavity on my molar and one cracked tooth.
both dont hurt unless pressure is put on them.
I was supposed to have a dentist appointment tomorrow. but due to family issues it has to be rescheduled.to like the end of the month.

im scared ill get an abscess tooth or sepsis in the mean. like REALLY scared.
have any of you had a cavity untreated for a long time? will I be okay? :(

17-12-15, 01:24
So you've had these cavities for a "long time", you had an appointment for tomorrow Dec. 17th. It's been rescheduled for the end of the month (with the holidays, less than two weeks) and you're that scared it will take your life?

I have the feeling you'll be posting all about it.

Positive thoughts

17-12-15, 01:28
You'll be fine, I don't think it really impacts your health unless you had loads that were really really bad! Even then just think People in medieval times did alright with no dental hygene at all! People with blackened teeth could live a long while!

17-12-15, 01:59
I hope to not post about it, but due to money issues (theres a lawsuit involved) we cant afford all of the fillings and stuff.

and thanks for that, you made a really good point!

17-12-15, 04:00
You'll be fine. Your tooth will let you know if it gets worse, and at that point you can get it treated with cheap antibiotics and be set for a long time still.

17-12-15, 05:12
One of my wisdom teeth was getting thin and eventually a few bits came off. There had been a cavity there for some time which was sensitive if I pressed into it or some hard bits of food got lodged there. One day I felt it crunch when eating bacon and a load of bits came out.

I started having some pain with it and it turned out it had become infected. A couple of courses of antibiotics sorted it and then it was removed.

If yours get infected you will get me pain than from a cavity alone.

The same with an abscess. Whilst these can progress by leaking into the blood, you would know there was a problem as you would feel pretty unwell. Abscesses are painful too so you would know the difference and then you may even get a foul taste in your mouth. But these are quite common and very easily treated by your dentist.

My brother had an abscess years ago. He was having pain in his mouth but was too busy at work to bother going to the dentist. After a while he started feeling ill so he went. He had antibiotics and then it was removed. He said it was the worst taste hew ever had in his mouth, and school dinners years ago would have taken some beating! :D

You have the same chance of developing something now as you did before and yet you have had no issues so you have the same chance of developing no issues going forward. Besides, these things are common to dentists and easily treatable even if you should.

17-12-15, 08:36
You will just be in pain lol. I had a cavity in my wisdom tooth for 5 years it would access and then go back down on its own. If it abcesses just try to keep it clean with salt water. Only worry about it if the pain gets severe and you develop a fever

18-12-15, 01:30
thanks for these replies! it means alot im worried about this then my bowel issues one again. of course Im hesitant to post anything about it because I don't want to annoy any of you. lol

18-12-15, 04:23
This is a health anxiety forum and posting about your health anxieties is what you are suppose to do. If it annoys anyone they can choose to ignore you. Don't hesitate to post something if it is bothering you, and a supportive response makes you feel better. Reading people's posts that have some of the same symptoms as me and positive people posting a a response has made me feel better numerous times.

18-12-15, 05:16
same to me as well! though I sometimes dont see post about something's I worry about, like parasites and celiacs (which I fear I could have). wish I had people to relate to thatt.

18-12-15, 11:19
I've got 12 or so rotten teeth I need extracted aswell as having over 8 abscesses in past few years some are rotten below gumline one tooth is black, I hate talking about my teeth because sometimes people think bad teeth is hygiene rather then medicines and disorders in my case I have acid reflux

Anyway in short a huge swelling on face increasing due to infection or abscess untreated can spread but you will have to not go to get any work done or medicines for that to happen you would also have to deal with pain unimaginable one minor abscess and anyone will want to cry and get it sorted let alone that one

Also aslong as the cavity isn't inwards of the mouth rather then showing at front side of mouth you be ok the back of tooth swelling is dangerous but yet again it will get large and you will notice it way before it gets to this stage

I have dental phobia and have started to get them taken out I explained my list of fears about my infected teeth and they laughed it off in truth a cavity will turn to infection if untreated as the cavity will rot until it reaches the root or pulp causing pain and likely you will get a bacteria in the hole that will infect it so it's best to get them treated but you be fine

If you get a abscess once just know antibiotics kills the spread of the infection and all the multi bodies it created but there will be a tiny lump you won't see on root of the tooth that is a abscess it can't ever be cured orless root canal or extraction it can attack at any moment weeks months even years

Aslong as you don't get really bad infection then you have no worries at all once you get a abscess its up to you to decide if it's worth worrying over it coming back or harming you or getting it treated


18-12-15, 11:44
I have had a cracked tooth (molar) for about a year now untreated as well!!! 6 weeks ago it developed into an abcess and I burst it by gargling salt water! Me stupid idiot googled burst absess which then told me could cause blood poisoning! I got put on antibiotics but swore I had blood poising so went to a and e the next day! They tested me and I was fine! This was around the time I started my anti depressants so the side effects didn't help my case!!! Anyway 6 weeks on and the cracked tooth still isn't fixed because it's going to need to be taken out and I'm scared of injections!! I've had a filling in another tooth with injection last week and was really scared but got through it........ My advice to you is just do it you'll be fine just like I was xx

19-12-15, 06:53
Yeah, if you burst them they can cause infection to spread so they usually treat them with antibiotics first and then if they think it's needed again after bursting it by removing the tooth, you may get another course.

My brother was looking and feeling pretty unwell with his and the dentist kept an eye incase of blood poisoning but he was fine.