View Full Version : Most likely Health Anxiety but...

17-12-15, 10:09
....of course I assume the worst.

I've suffered with depression in the past & also used to experience very frightening panic attacks! (I thought there was something wrong with my heart but as soon as 'panic disorder' was mentioned they almost stopped overnight) This has been under control for a good few years now but for the past 12 months or so I have been experiencing what sounds to be anxiety.

Firstly last year I had terrible pressure/headaches in one side on my head. I immediately assumed the worst (brain tumour) but was assured after several visits to the doctors & even A&E (yes I felt that bad about it) that it was most likely just Chronic tension headaches. This diagnosis satisfied me & the headaches are no longer an issue.

A little more recently I've begun to have quite dark thoughts & I'm constantly worried about getting a severe illness/dieing etc.

A couple of weeks ago I felt some tingling in my finger tip on my left hand & so immediately looked up the symptoms and convinced myself I had MS, the tingling has stopped in one finger and moved to my other hand but as of right now is no longer a problem. I get the odd twinge here and there & a bit of numbness but I've convinced myself it's just anxiety and it goes away.

During this time I also got an ache in my lower back for no apparent reason. I was able to convince myself it was just a twinge and it soon went away.

Now and for the past 4 days I've had an ache (like a mild sprain) in my right ankle/top of my foot. I've done nothing physically to warrant such a symptom. It comes and goes and doesn't affect my mobility or anything but its worrying me greatly as it doesn't seem to go away.

Coincidentally this symptom started to happen almost immediately after I'd come across symptoms for Motor neurone disease.

I'm terrified to the point where I'm finding it difficult to sleep & I'm on the verge of tears a lot of the time. I've booked to see my GP about it but there's a 2 week wait.

Does this latest symptom sound like a result of anxiety/health anxiety? Is my mind generating this localised ache because of symptoms I've read?

It seems that once I come to terms with one symptom a new one pops up in its place & I'm back to square one.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Equally if anyone else is experiencing the other symptoms I mentioned and can put their mind at rest knowing they are likely results of anxiety then all the better!

Thank you

17-12-15, 11:21
Does this latest symptom sound like a result of anxiety/health anxiety? Is my mind generating this localised ache because of symptoms I've read?.

Sounds exactly like that to me. :D

17-12-15, 12:31
I really hope so. I convince myself this is the case but it's never long before I seek constant reassurance.