View Full Version : PMT and Panic attacks

20-02-07, 21:10
Anybody know if the two are related

21-02-07, 08:23
Hi Mama, Ive tried so many foods to help my severe pmt and Ive had enough, Im going onto the contraceptive pill cos I just cant take it anymore.
How long have you suffered Pmt and is it severe ?

21-02-07, 11:20
Vitamins?????? Ive heard evening primrose is fantastic for pmt x

21-02-07, 14:26
hi mama this was one of my biggest problems,i have been taking evening primrose and vitamin b complex and it hasnt been as bad since,it is still there but these definatly help me.tc tracy

21-02-07, 17:06
Sometimes mine are worse during that time. I think mine are linked to anemia, and if you are not taking an iron supplement, anemia can be worse then becuase your body is losing extra iron. Maybe you should have your iron levels checked? In any case the vitamin b complex will help because vitamin b helps in the absorption of iron.

Nicola Cook
23-02-07, 17:41
My panic atacks are often worse just before my period starts and during the first few days of it.

I think I'm extra concerned about passing out at that time of the month so it makes be more panicky!

Nic x

24-02-07, 10:07
Hi me too-worse before during and right after it now-does not leave alot of time tho to feel better-any tips welcome!
Nigela x

30-03-07, 10:01
mines the same as you nigela and like you it dont leave me with many good days.

sandy xx

30-03-07, 11:39

My anxiety used to be alot worse at the time of the month , i take Star Flower capsuales now and they do seem to help. You can get them from any health food shop or major supermarket chain.

Hope that helps:)


31-03-07, 15:09
My anxiety levels go through the roof around the 14th day of my cycle and stay high until after my period is done!! Like a lot of you, this only leaves a few days of feeling relatively OK. It gets me down SO much I can't tell you!
I take evening primrose oil, multivits and a special mineral pill designed for women but nothing much seems to make a difference.

02-04-07, 21:24
OMG they are definitely related,at least for me anyway...
I hadnt been doing too bad as of late with the anxiety and pa's but thats because i missed a couple of periods(not unusual for me as mine are really irregular).Then i come on and ive gone completely right back down again,feel like crap,anxious,panics and then some.

The trouble is..ive now finished my period but then it takes me ages to get back up.I take evening primose but its done nothing for me.
I think anxiety definitely worsens with hormones.
Take care,Candie xx

11-04-07, 21:40
I went to my docs to see if i could come off the contraceptive pill because we were going on a long haul flight and i was worried about DVT.The doc told me it was not a good idea cause coming off it could make my panic and anxiety worse so there must be some connection.I always feel much worse the week before my period and the week im on so i dread to think what i would be like if i didnt take the pill.
Its so unfair on us women dont you think!!

Love Julie xxxxx