View Full Version : Back again after a while off.

17-12-15, 11:51

I have been away for a while now and I haven't really had to many problems, I have dismissed most of the problems over recent weeks and just got on with doing my work.

However, today I am back with a worry it is what I normally worry about. Lymph Nodes I was having a wash and discovered a lump it wobbles from side to side when I touch it (I am trying not to touch it as much as possible) its around halfway down my neck doesn't hurt isn't really hard but is just there and it is annoying me really. I was doing so well I haven't been to the doctors much lately as I didn't feel the need and I don't really want to go again as I know I will start going all the time again. I don't feel ill which is my problem a light runny nose and I woke up with a sore throat this morning but that has gone. Could that be what has coursed the node to swell a little? I noticed the node in my neck last night and had the sore throat this morning.

I just want to get it out now as if I don't I will mess and worry over my christmas break and I don't really want that.


17-12-15, 12:25
Had a swollen one under my jaw. it stuck around for months but it didn't do anything. I wouldn't worry :)

17-12-15, 12:52
This must be "node week" on the Discovery Channel! :D Sounds totally like a reactive node to something going on like that sore throat and slightly runny nose ;)

Enjoy your Christmas and be good for goodness sakes, don't poke and prod! Remember, Santa is watching and he knows!

Positive thoughts

17-12-15, 13:31
I'm sure it's enlarged due to fighting off the cold/sore throat. It's doing its job! I wouldn't run to the doctor because they won't do anything unless it's been that way for 6 months+. But really I'm sure it's fighting the illness! No worries. Enjoy Christmas!