View Full Version : Cannot believe I worried so much

17-12-15, 14:01

I have spent the last 6-8 weeks with anxiety over work only to find out today it was all for nothing.

My performance has been reviewed and recorded as good, which considering the hassle I got from my manager that is a major step for me.

I now feel free of the anxiety it was causing me, and can move on to try to find ways of dealing with my negative thinking.

This just proves that worrying about the unknown is a waste of time, thoughts and energy.

Thank you to everyone who read my posts and supported me it means a lot to know I am not alone

Clare x

17-12-15, 14:25
Wow, so there was really nothing to worry about?
What about the fraught relationship with co-workers?

You really got yourself worked up didn't you?

17-12-15, 14:53
Thats great news, Clare. :yesyes::yahoo:

It's also good to hear you realise where things have spiralled. Self confidence, paranoia issues, it's all part of the game with anxiety. Something I learned at a charity was Cognitive Distortions and I would recommend everyone on here doing the same. They are hard to see in yourself at first so I practiced on the threads on here which was far easier. Thesedays I can pick them out very easily from what people right and it helps me form a response. Ultimately what I mmay say can be the same as everyone else, we know them really just don't put a label on them, but it can help to learn them properly because then you can pull yourself up and form a counter argument. They use this techniqie in CBT.

Since your manager has not been impressed with that guy, perhaps she has looked into things more and realised it's a very one-sided issue and come to the conclusion that he needs addressed and that it would be unfair to judge you based on his lack of performance?

17-12-15, 20:34
Yes I really got worked up and once it started I felt powerless to stop it, I am now going to try to relax more and not stress as much. I will be civil and friendly towards thig guy but not friends if that makes sense.

Terry, I think it was paranoia and lack of confidence still feeling good now so treating myself to a glass of wine
