View Full Version : taking the contraceptive pill concerns

20-02-07, 21:30
Hi everyone, I was given a prescription of progesterone pills 2 months ago, to hopefully help me with my bad PMT symptoms.
But I was too afraid to take them so left them sitting in the draw :( and here I am a month later suffering from horrible PMT again and still doubting if I should take them or not.
I have terrible breast pain, its so bad I can hardly move my arms without severe pain, I cant cuddle the children or roll over in bed with out crying.
Also I get very blurrey vision and feel drained, my periods are periods from hell and Ive had enough of it all :mad: .

So tonight I speak to my sister on the phone and tell her that I have the pills and she said ........."oh no I couldnt be bothered with taking them" <<< easy for her to say !

I think Im afraid of side effects and an increased risk of breast cancer, but I feel like Im living 1 week out of 4 with all these hormonal problems...
I must make my mind up fast cos Im due on any day now.

Does anyone else take the pill and does it help ?

20-02-07, 21:48
Yes hun I do and yes it does help.

I actually take the combined pill for all the reasons you mentioned, from the incredible breast soreness for 2 weeks of every month, to my terribly heavy periods which could be as frequent as every 23 days some months (I would never know) and last up to 10 days.

I had to work out what was best for my personal circumstances and this is it.

Love Piglet xx

20-02-07, 22:39
I think you should take the pill. It may slightly raise the risk of breast cancer, but it also lowers the risk of ovarian and uterine cancers. It will help so so much with your symptoms. I barely even get a period anymore on mine. I really do think you should try it. If you don't like it after a month you can go off. Let me know if you have any questions about the pill and my experiences, I would be happy to share.


21-02-07, 08:07
Piglet , my cycle is every 24 days and Im too afraid to leave the house during it cos its that heavy :o .

Soworried, what pill do you take ? is it a Progesterone pill ?

Mine are called Cerezette and I have to take them within 12 hour slots everyday ongoing.

21-02-07, 10:18
Hi Mirry,

I think mine might be Femodette and yes mine too used to be so heavy I had to sit on a folded bath towel at the computer incase I flooded.:o :(

Now they are still heavy but managable heavy! I also know exactly when I will start and they only last a few days as opposed to a full 7-10 days. So I now don't get aneamic either.

My sister takes the progesterone only pill (this didn't have any effect for me - which is why I am on the combined pill) and her periods stopped altogether and she also had very heavy periods. The only thing for her is that it is giving her bad bloating so she is just trying another brand at present.

Piglet xx

21-02-07, 11:19
Thanks Piglet, like you say, ive worked out it is the best option for me too.
I cant stand that drained feeling from having heavy periods, I also get a sicky feeling at the same time and diorreah (spelling ?), I was told I have mild endometriosis 10 years ago. So the pill may help with that too :)
I know from the saliva test I took that I have hardly any progesterone so I am hoping taking the progesterone pill will help me .

I dont know if its cos I will be 39 in August but I keep thinking I would like a baby, yet at the same time know it would be too much for me to cope with.

In my head I am saying , go on the pill or have a baby lol , I must be
mad :w00t2:

21-02-07, 12:08
Mirry I've got 3 piglets and at some point in my 30's I wondered if I was ever gonna stop - I just seemed to adore being a mum and just wanted baby after baby (I even thought I might be like that woman with her 14 kids - she may have lived in a shoe) but thankfully towards my late 30's the biological baby clock turned off and for me that's that!!

My sister had her 2nd and last baby when she was 39/40 but her clocks turned off now too!:)

Babies really are the squeeziest things ever - with their little ickle tiny hands and feet and soft furry hair - oooooh!!! However with a 20 year old I will wait for grandchildren to indulge myself in and I also get loads more time to straighten my hair if I want to and I've stopped getting dressed in such a rush, so now my buttons are all fastened in the right holes and my lipstick is actually on my lips, not half way up my face.:mad:

My piglets reckon I look older when they were little than I do now - no flippin wonder - it was like looking after 3 little goats all running in 3 different directions and eating the furniture!! :D

Piglet xx

21-02-07, 13:05
lol piglet, It may be because my son turned 13 last week, so Im trying to get my head around having a teenager in the house lol.

When I fostered the 2 children I had I remember how difficult everyting was,
my washing load was always in a huge heap, and with my own kids the ages were at the time 2x aged 4 1x aged 5 and 1x aged 7.....
I used to line up all the pack lunches on my kitchen work top and get confused with who wants what lol.

ooooooooo im getting even more broody now but It would be awful to end up with twins lol.

21-02-07, 15:30
I think the name of mine is LoEstrin Fe or something like that. It's the one where your period is only like 3 or 4 days. I like it a lot.


21-02-07, 16:03
thanks Ashley, i will let u know how i get on.

miss diagnosis
21-02-07, 16:06
why dont you try taking the combined pill instead? Im on one called yasmin
After years of trying different pills this one is great. Its really light and has feck all side effects. only thing is its slightly more expensive then the other brands.but worth it. ive been on it 6 years. no problems.

21-02-07, 17:55
I used to take the combined pill in my twentys but had major headaches on it , which apparently suggest Its dangerous for me :confused:

So it has to be progesterone only my doctor told me which works just as well, the one Ive been given is apparently more expensive that all the other progeserone tablets because its new on the market.

21-02-07, 18:27
i have terrible periods and pms, I tried the pill but it depressed me!!!

21-02-07, 18:42
I had that with one of the pills I was on Matilda but when I tried another brand I was fine. It does seem sometimes you have to try a few before finding one that you get on with.

Piglet x