View Full Version : HA making me physically ill

17-12-15, 18:58
My health anxiety is ruining my life!
The slightest twinge sends me into heightened panic where I imagine the absolute worst outcome.
Also I find when I'm anxious each little symptom becomes huge in my mind and I experience extreme and uncomfortable pain thats probably actually little more than a twinge.

Ive become addicted to various forums, each for a different ailment.

At the moment I have painful breasts which I'm assured is very probably due to hormonal imbalance. But will I accept that? No! The pain has moved to my chest, my jaw, my arms, my head..... I feel ill enough to go to bed and stay there. But I'm not ill......

Instead of accepting that everyone has aches and pains and just getting on with it, I'm ruining and wasting my life by inventing symptoms which I'm truly suffering through.

I hardly ever have a day where I feel "well" now. I'm so very tired of this but don't have a clue how to teach my mind to behave normally again.

17-12-15, 19:10
I have dealt with OCD my whole life. Sometimes, but rarely, it gets so bad, that I fall into a depression. About 15 years ago, my anxiety became health related.

I'm not saying that this is for everyone, but medicine has been a life saver for me.

I lived relatively well (albeit more anxiety than almost everyone else in the world) for 15 years or so. Then, my medicine stopped working. The last three months have been horrendous. HORRENDOUS!!

I saw a new doctor on Monday, and he changed my medicine. Just knowing that it MIGHT provide me with some relief in the next few weeks has already helped. I guess I tell you this because I know what it's like to move from one thing to the next to the next to the next and feeling like it will never end. Oh---I don't know how old you are, but I"m 45 and my hormones make things worse than EVER.

Just offering you some support. Don't know if you have talked to a doctor about your options but it might help to do so.

17-12-15, 19:33
Thank you honeybun. For your support and advice.
I haven't taken any meds for years. Unfortunately I have a phobia about taking them so I try to go the natural route.
I am 58 and menopausal which certainly doesn't help.....
Maybe I'll see a doctor and get some help.