View Full Version : Visual snow

17-12-15, 20:02
Hey guys, new to the forum!
Pretty glad that I've found this place.

I had a massive panic attack about a week ago and somehow managed to tune into a thing called "visual snow". For those of you that don't know, it's sort of like a static/hazy tv vision that is seen in the eyes - like the millions and billions of little dots that you see in your eyes - more evident when you look at blank white or dark surfaces. I must've had this condition for ages without realising it, but I freaked out when I had the panic attack and it's been bugging me since.

A lot of the posts about this condition are quite old in this forum, and I was wondering whether anyone is going through the same thing as well? Any thoughts or recommendations?

Many thanks in advance😊

17-12-15, 21:09
Yes me too, well I have been getting floaters but think it's the same thing. I'm telling myself it's nothing serious but actually I'm worried about it and too scared to make an opticians appointment.
I had an appointment a few months ago where they said it was unusual that I had to get a new prescription within 12 months which to be honest is freaking me out a bit.
Anyhooo you're not alone :)

18-12-15, 09:38
Sounds like you have myopia loopylouise. Depending on your age and the severity of the myopia, your prescription can change a lot for a few years before settling down. I had to get new glasses every year through my teen years but in my 20s my prescription has not changed at all.

Also, floaters tend to be more common in people with myopia, more floaters the more severe it is. I see A LOT of floaters, it's no big deal really. It's something to see for when you get REALLY bored but you can ignore them most of the time.

One thing, visual snow is not like floaters. Although visual snow is usually nothing to worry about either. Most of the time it's like when you have floaters, eventually you learn not to see the visual snow.

18-12-15, 12:58
I've had visual snow all my life and actually thought it was just how everyone sees until I started mentioning it to people and they looked at me as if I was crazy lol!

If I look at dark surfaces in particular, I see millions of tiny dots all whizzing about. Once you accept it and ignore it though, you stop noticing :)

18-12-15, 13:34
Thank you RSanchez I feel a bit better now I will make the appointment :). Sorry I thought they were the same thing!