View Full Version : Doctor scared the shit out of me after biopsy?

17-12-15, 22:48
So, basically I had this big mole on the back on my neck for years, I noticed it about 4 years ago (I'm 17) and because of my recent health anxiety I decided to get it shaved off. When I went to get my results, all is fine and the results was benign. However, the doctor told me that the roots go deeper than what they shaved off and he has no say whether the roots are cancerous or not. I thought that a biopsy of the shaved mole would be the same as the roots?? Now I am scared to death even though he told me it's not necessary to get the roots removed I am going on Monday to get even more injections in my neck (I hate needles..) and this time they will have to dig it out, shave my hair and stitch it up (never had stitches) all because this doctor triggered my health anxiety. He also asked me if I had a history of skin cancer.

I am now scared to death I could have cancer other there. First of all, is what he even said possible? I thought that biopsy's were small parts of something that could prove if it was dangerous of not. So if it was just the top of this mole, wouldn't it prove if it was cancerous or not? I looked up on it a lot and a lot of people say it is common for shave biopsys to not get rid of the mole completely so it's not a weird case.

17-12-15, 23:01
Hey, first off - that Dr sounds like he needs to work on the way he talks to people! I'm sure it's the way he handled it that has caused you unnecessary worry. He probably has to ask about a history of skin cancer just to keep himself right but given your age it would be very VERY unlikely it's anything to fear. I'm with you on this one- I would have thought that the biopsy from the top of the mole would have been enough but I'm not a Dr so I'm afraid I can't help. I do however, know what it's like to be totally terrified at the thought of cancer and if you need someone to chat to til you get it all sorted, I'm here. Stay strong. Susie.

17-12-15, 23:08
Hey, first off - that Dr sounds like he needs to work on the way he talks to people! I'm sure it's the way he handled it that has caused you unnecessary worry. He probably has to ask about a history of skin cancer just to keep himself right but given your age it would be very VERY unlikely it's anything to fear. I'm with you on this one- I would have thought that the biopsy from the top of the mole would have been enough but I'm not a Dr so I'm afraid I can't help. I do however, know what it's like to be totally terrified at the thought of cancer and if you need someone to chat to til you get it all sorted, I'm here. Stay strong. Susie.

My dad thought the same thing, he thought it was ridiculous that he brought up cancer to me. Though, this doctor isn't aware of my health anxiety and he also told me that it's not necessary to be removed but at the same time he basically mentioned that it's possible it's deadly?

I know that's it's very unlikely, but this mole was HUGE and raised and it was right under my hair at the back of my neck where I couldn't really keep an eye on it. I didn't even know what it looked like until I got it removed and saw it. The only thing reassuring me right now is the fact that the shave came up benign and I'm young so it's probably nothing but I still have anxiety attacks every now and then thinking of the worst. Just 3 more days and it's gone.. Then I have to wait another week for results. Thanks for the reply.

17-12-15, 23:20
Hang in there, try to just think about today and take it a step at a time. When my anxiety is really bad (which is most of the time!) I try really hard to distract myself. I know it's the toughest thing in the world to do but you'll get through it. Like you say, you're young and those results were benign so there's a MASSIVE chance that the next ones will be too. Please don't worry too much about the size of the mole..I know people with huge moles and they're totally fine. That Dr isn't aware of your HA so he most likely didn't realise how he was coming across. Keep me posted on how you get on.. It sounds to me like it'll be fine, I promise I really think it will be

17-12-15, 23:39
I've never heard of the roots being cancerous and the head not being. He's just trying to cover his butt I guess. I had a big nasty black asymmetrical mole on my groin. It was lovely.... I had it shaved then it came back precancerous and they took the rest of it. Calm down and be glad u got rid of it when ur young. I had mine in my late teens some girl found it for me while she was down there :blush: then I woke up in my late 20s one morning and had a panic attack about it so I had it tested .