View Full Version : Neck lymph nodes...

18-12-15, 08:46
For the last five days I've been really struggling to cope. I'm 33 with HA which is worse than ever. It all started with an odd mild throbbing pain behind my left ear (on my head) when lying down. The next day I felt a slight swelling on the back of my tongue and my bottom gum on the left side felt tender. This went away after an hour or so and hasn't come back. ( I have felt this swelling at the back of my tongue before and just assumed it was just a swollen gland. I never worried because it always goes away quickly and doesn't happen often) anyway, so after that I started feeling my neck and jaw and googled swollen neck glands.... Big mistake. I started obsessively checking my neck and reading up on lymph nodes... I have a lumpy neck, the lumps are all symmetrical but they're not tender to touch. I also don't feel unwell so doubt I have an infection. Every now and then I think I may have the cold coming on but it never comes to anything. I'm scared I have secondary cancer or lymphoma. I'm going to the Drs this afternoon. (I'm so embarrassed, I was there just last week with another HA) I'm still getting the pain behind my ear when I lie in bed. My husband felt my neck and said it just feels like cartilage to him and he isn't worried. I find it so hard to trust my own mind anymore. Everything I have been to my GP about turns out to be nothing and I never know whether my symptoms are real or my HA messing with my mind. I'm exhausted and so is my poor husband. I'm scared the Dr will send me for more test as I find the waiting agonising. If anyone has any thoughts or advice I'd really appreciate it. Thanks x

13-08-22, 20:44
Hey idk If u r still active, u have like the exact same symptoms as me, what were the results, are you ok now?