View Full Version : Feeling really down breast pain

18-12-15, 13:15
So I'm still in bits from breast pain I've been having for a while now. It is localised in one breast but my gp said she can't feel a definite lump. I'm also still waiting on a breast clinic appointment which I've been waiting for since September. I'm so worried that it's cancer as when it's pressed it's really sore. My ultrasound last year was clear which is why I'm waiting so long for another one. I should be looking forward to Christmas with my husband and daughter but I'm constantly worrying about this.

18-12-15, 20:48
Hi Jesicca

I really feel for you. I am in same boat. I went to go with pain and one breast larger. Could not feel worrying lumps just said I have fibrocystic breasts. I had the same one ultrasounded 2 years ago. That said I think your waiting is very long for an appointment?

I was referred by my GP for a non urgent app. She told me it could take 6-8 weeks but I got a call after 3/4 weeks of being referred. I couldn't make the app and they put me back on the waiting list but I got one for the following week which is next week. I'm dreading it.

Can you cal to find out where you are on the list?xx

18-12-15, 21:35
For what it's worth my nan has had BC twice and never had any pain. BC is more often painless I have read xx

19-12-15, 20:13
I got a call from them ans they said I'll get a call in a few weeks. It's so horrible feeling like this. So scared

19-12-15, 21:34
:weep: I'm so sorry you're still feeling this way Jessica. It's sad to read that you're still convinced you have breast cancer.

You said something in another thread that really is the key to all this...

I've just about convinced myself I do have breast cancer

Do you see that? You've just about convinced yourself you have breast cancer.

Scientific medical tests have proven otherwise. It's been a year of constant worry. Again, if indeed you had cancer, you would be very ill or not with us by now.

With the holidays approaching, I truly hope you can find the inner strength to rationalize this fear and enjoy these very special times with your family and friends.

Positive thoughts

21-12-15, 19:57
I'm hoping the pain will go away so I can enjoy Christmas with my family. I had a bad day yesterday with really bad pain also in my armpit and numbness down my arm. I go to sleep every night praying I wake up with no pain.the slightest touch to my breast causes sharp pains

21-12-15, 20:29
I get a lot of pains in this area and bits normally down o muscle pain beneath the breast but the more you touch press etc the soreness will continue xx

22-12-15, 11:42
My daughter started having breast pain after she went on the birth control pill. Breast pain can be associated with hormonal shifts.

22-12-15, 20:39
It's not muscular pain it feels sharp to touch it. Again my daughter climbed up on me earlier and pressed in the area and the pain was so bad I had to push her away. I also came off birth control as I thought it might be to do with that but it's still the same

30-12-15, 13:50
I'm still really worried about this. The pain isn't there now unless I touch it or press it. I can't stop thinking it's cancer and I'm being fobbed off because I had an ultrasound a year ago. My daughter comes near me and my automatic reaction is to push her away incase she hurts it. I do also get slight pain in bed when I turn over onto the breast

30-12-15, 15:01
Hey, I am currently experiencing the exact same thing! I have made my breast so sore because I keep prodding about trying to work out if it's coming from my breast or behind my breast if that makes sense.

I'm sorry I can't reply with any words of wisdom I just wanted you to know you are not alone! :hugs:

30-12-15, 20:03
What does your pain feel like? I've not prodded all day then at work I leaned against a desk and the pain came again. It was like a shooting horrendous pain

30-12-15, 21:28
Like how you describe, really sharp pain when it's touched. Also makes me wince if my son is jumping about incase he catches me! Feels bruised now but it probably is the amount I've poked!! My breasts feel quite tender quite often anyway but this feels different as its one particular area in one breast. xx

08-01-16, 15:04
I can't believe I'm still having to wait for my appointment and it's been nearly 4 months since I was referre . I'm really concerned about this pain when I press this area in my breast

08-01-16, 15:55
I really feel for you. I had the same in my right breast for weeks then it seemed to switch to my left breast. It lasted about 3 or 4 weeks then went then came back. It was hormones for me x

08-01-16, 22:00
I an just worried that its something sinister and I'm being fobbed off because I had an ultrasound 13 months ago.

08-01-16, 23:03
I said this in an earlier post. You've had this fear for a year, maybe longer. If this were sinister, you would be very ill by now.

Serious question - Yes or No answer: In your heart of hearts, do you really think your doctor would fob you off and make you wait over 4 months if he thought there was something serious going on?

Hopefully, when you get the all clear, you can pursue treating your anxiety.

Positive thoughts