View Full Version : WTF is happening to me???!!!

18-12-15, 16:44
WTF is happening to me???!!!

So on Friday the 23rd of October 2015 (This year) I was working a normal shift when all of a sudden I got this very intense sensation in my head, Leaving me feeling very dizzy. I when to A+E because I was very scared, all sort went through my mind, Brain tumour, Stroke, the list was endless! The Doc at the Hospital told me it was vertigo. The following Friday (30th October 2015) I was going about my daily activity and then when me and my Better half was doing the Aldi shop, I felt great panic! I had cold sweats, Heart beating out my chest! I though "Thats is mate, We are on the way out!!" Great fear swept over me! I had my first panic attack! Moving forward to Monday the 2nd November 2015, I felt bad all day as if it was hungover from the halloween party we had on the Saturday. I get home and straight away! Like a brick shattering a window, The sensation of panic swept over once again!! scared for my life i call my mum who manages to calm me down! I cant stop think of major health issues which I could have!

From November 3rd to November 16th Is was bed bound and signed off work with a serious bout of Flu!! This wiped me out. I couldn't do anything! I visited the Gp seeing many different doctors for the past month or so. Many saying its vertigo others saying it is post flu and One saying I am suffering from a anxiety disorder.

I have been referred to see a therapist for CBT.

Everyday I have the same symtoms. Feeling drunk, Dizzy, Of balence, Off set stomach. Constant worry that there is something seriously wrong with me! My vision isnt the same as it used to be. I littery feel as if I am not actually here and I am going to wake up. Everything if also very fuzzy!

If you can help please do!

Sorry this was so long winded for my first post. It felt really good to finally let go!


18-12-15, 16:54
Sometimes an ear infection can cause dizziness. Has this been checked out.
It might be a good idea to eat something every 3-4 hours to counteract fatigue. You could still be run down after the flu so some vitamin supplements may help.
If you are taking any medication - what are the side effects?
Hope this helps.

18-12-15, 17:18
Hey, I've just been diagnosed with viral labyrinthitis, I have felt dizzy for 12 days and like you it started with a serious bout of vertigo! I then had temperature and shivers and felt really nauseous for a week and although the symptoms are easing I have been housebound for 12 days due to the dizziness. It's awful! Anyway perhaps you have the same thing, it can certainly cause a lot of anxiety! And it can last for weeks!
I'm now taking stemetil (started yesterday) and I think maybe something is gradually lifting but it's very slow! Take care and rest rest rest, drink lots of water and ask your gp for stemetil or similar, worth a try to see if it helps! Take care X

18-12-15, 18:21
Honestly, it sounds like anxiety caused by the initial dizziness. So many things can cause dizziness and it's almost never serious.

Do you not have your own doctor? Seeing several probably won't do you any good.

25-01-16, 15:32
Hi there, I'm new to this site but have been looking for some reassurance for the same symptoms as you. Had an initial bout of dizziness after a plane journey in September and the doctors just said it was vertigo caused by a virus. Since then I've felt fuzzy in the head, had on and off migraine, feel lightheaded/drunk daily. I've seen an ENT specialist, had an MRI and had blood tests and an optician and all normal. Doctors think it's anxiety maybe caused by hyperventilation (poor breathing daily) so I'm now getting some help on how to breathe properly! My neck muscles hurt too at times. Really hard to think it's anxiety but guess I just have to live with it until it goes away. Are you still getting the same thing???:wacko:

25-01-16, 18:08
It sounds like anxiety...the dizziness probably started from something else, but the rest looks anxiety.

My father had something similar in 2008...and after lots of checks and stuff it turned out ti be anxiety. Has started meds in April '15 and is doing much better now.

25-01-16, 20:01
Any chance of getting meds?

25-01-16, 20:16
I've had my ears blocked for 4 weeks and it caused me a lot of head pressure and dizziness, as soon as they where clear a lot of pressure went from my head, at one point i got prescribed some medication for vertigo aswell. I also got my eyes tested and there was no problems. If you had a brain tumor or stroke you'd notice it and so would your GP or the doctor. These are things your brain jumps to as the first conclusion because it's the scariest outcome, rationalize and believe your doctors they have years of experience under their belt. Vertigo can come on for many reasons, instead of worrying about tumors start talking with your GP to tackle vertigo. If the case is a dead end, it could be the anxiety causing dizziness, and in that case it's usually down to hyperventilation. Here's some more information on it http://www.calmclinic.com/anxiety/signs/vertigo