View Full Version : Bowel test kit results

18-12-15, 16:49
So apart from all my worries about my pain and Ms symptoms I've also been worrying about my bowel health as I have some diahorea and some constipation type symptoms which have been labelled as IBS. However, me being me I was still worried and recently I've been a bit obsessed looking at my poop and breaking it up see if I could see any blood (disgusting I know but I could t help myself).

Sometime there are darker bits in my poop or really hard little pellets alongside the main poo. So I saw this test and bought it and it arrived so just took the test, picking out some "red" bits for the sample. Sample is definitely negative for blood so am relieved somewhat.

Anyone have similar poo concerns? I don't want to get into the habit of poking around at my poo or buying tests but I feel like I am hanging onto sanity by a thread at the moment with my other symptoms.

18-12-15, 17:03
I am doing exactly the same but for mucus. I am just crying all the time with stress. What does the test look for? Just blood?

18-12-15, 17:41
Poo threads are fairly common here. You're in good company with several members :emot-nod: In fact, a while back I bought a Bristol Stool Chart coffee mug in honor of all the poo threads :)

You have been labeled as having IBS and that's the reason for the inconsistencies, nothing more. Poking around and closely examining your poo is messy business... literally, and you're not doing your anxiety any favors. Best to reach back and just flush before you stand up.

Positive thoughts

19-12-15, 09:54
I am doing exactly the same but for mucus. I am just crying all the time with stress. What does the test look for? Just blood?

Yeah the test checks for blood in the stool. I also have mucus in my poop and I asked the Dr about it and he said it is a sign of my IBS. What worries me it that they haven't done any tests to rule out anything more serious with my bowel they just labelled it as IBS. However, what I would say is that was two years ago and the symptoms are still the same not worse and do tend to flare up with stress.

While we are on the subject of poo does anyone else have like really small pellets alongside a normal stool? I find it doesn't matter if I have diarrhoea I still have these little hard lumps of poop as well.

19-12-15, 10:01
I've had roids for about 19 years now. Throughout that time I've had mucus in my stool and nothing ever came of it. I tended to find it more when having the runs or straining really.

I know this isn't relevant but just wanted to point out how I am still alive & kicking 19 years laters so you can know it's not always something bad.

19-12-15, 12:28
Everybody has poo issues, I do, a lot depends on what you eat and any medications your on, even anxiety. Cos I'm over 50 I get one of those NHS Bowel Screening kits through the post every 2 years, never had any issues.

My husband is on a cocktail of meds morning and night for his heart condition, asthma and back pain.
It takes about 3 to 4 flushes to get rid of it and half a can of air freshener!!!!!!

But he's still around, still works etc.

The more you focus on something the more it will worry you.

20-12-15, 15:24
Thanks both for the reassurance. My hubby is the same he has chronic constipation and bleeds when he goes but doesn't seem as worried as I am.

I was feeling ok about everything bowel related, yesterday was a bit stomach ache but then my diet isn't brilliant at the moment. Anyhow last night just as i was doing my sleep wind-down hypnosis I got this definite pain under my left ribs. Like a pang of pain then nothing then another pang. I just remained calm and did my breathing and fell asleep.

Anyhoo got up this morning and its not as bad but feel like its still there with a kind of crampy, occasional sharp pain. Went loo and the stool was solid but when I wiped it was very orangey coloured and loose. Also some pain on the rhs.

Trying not to google pancreatic cancer but it's started me off again. I keep telling myself I had loads of bloods done recently and they were fine but I just feel like something is wrong with me.

20-12-15, 17:02
When I wipe mine is often like that and even was when my ultrasounds were clear etc. It cleared up once the anxiety did xx