View Full Version : My Health Anxiety Story

18-12-15, 23:28
This is a re-post of what I put in the Panic Attack Section because it definitely applies to Health anxiety too....feel free to talk to me!

Hi everybody, this will technically be my second post because I posted my first one in the Intro section to get acquainted. ANYWHO, I just thought I'd give my complete story...I'll make it as short as possible. If you are a sufferer like I am, this should reach out to you(assuming that you read all of it) and even hopefully I can converse with some of you with your replies.

I started with weird panic attacks as a kid. My first one was whenever I was around 7 years old. I remember always being afraid to swallow my food. I lost 25 lbs at one point. Eventually, the panic attacks went away, although I still to this day struggle with swallowing my food. Once I became busy with growing up, like everybody should be doing, the panic attacks suppressed. I had other minor problems that may have been or may not have been related to my issue such as social problems, i.e. very opinionated, always thinking that people were evaluating my personality or how I looked, etc. The years went by and I got older and overcame many obstacles. At that time, my only real problems were not being assertive, afraid of being around people too much(same as social problems I just listed), and the swallowing problem. However, my nightmare hadn't even begun. I was 20 years old(I'm 22 now) and had an experience that kick-started the worst 2 years of my life. This may sound stupid, but I developed chronic anxiety after experiencing heat exhaustion working out in the hot sun. I worked 40 plus hours a week installing pool liners, and one day I got too hot. I became dizzy, my vision was blurry, heart racing, etc. I eventually recovered. I want to also confess, that prior to this(around a year and a half or so) I started experimenting with heavy drinking and marijuana.....I believe that these stimulants have caused my mental anxiety to be worse than what it could have been. Anyway, several hours after the heat exhaustion, I developed a migraine. A week before the heat exhaustion, I had my first migraine EVER. I was smoking too much marijuana..I remember walking from my truck at a gas pump inside the gas station and the overhead lights where the pumps were killed my head due to the brightness! Anyway, another scary phase that I went through immediately after the heat day was physical symptoms triggered by my anxiety. I had chronic head and face pressure, PVCs(heart palpitations), blurry vision, and migraines. My migraines and head/face pressure alternated. They were never present at the same time, they took turns! I know, weird.....anyway, I have dealt with it every day, no breaks, for two years. I was so paranoid that I thought I had a brain tumor. I visited a neurologist and had an MRI. All was normal. Ever since I've started this anxiety up again, I've developed random health problems. I've had strep throat for the first time, bacterial infections, I had a random heart arrhythmia that lasted three hours, and my biggest health issue is that I had gallbladder attacks last year(I know have chronic stomach trouble). The persistent physical symptoms have become better over time(with the exception of random health problems popping up), but now I am currently dealing with agoraphobia. The panic attacks have returned, and they occur if I am driving or if I drink or smoke. By the way, I do neither of those stimulants anymore. I haven't touched alcohol or marijuana in over a year. If I don't feel sober, I will definitely have a panic attack because I feel that I am not in control. My biggest triggers that introduce panic attacks are whenever I travel long distances, I pay attention to my heart, or whenever I drive long distances or over bridges(especially at night or if I am by myself or both). I go to college and live off campus, so I experience the panic attacks driving there, especially going over the bridge. This thing we call anxiety has changed my life dramatically. I am always dependent on other people's attention, I don't like going out anymore, and I feel unsafe if somebody is not around me. My biggest fear is death. I know all of you have a personal story too, and I look forward to talking with you about it. Any advice for me is appreciated and anything that you related to reading this, please don't hesitate to type it.

God Bless and thank you for welcoming me to the No More Panic community,


19-12-15, 09:45
Hey Adam,
I can trace my issues back to when I was about 7 too. Someone in my class at school had chicken pox and I was so itchy I felt like I was losing my mind. Then it went on to a fear of being poisoned or being ill at school and I was having loads of panic attacks.

At age 15 I was admitted to an inpatient psychiatric hospital which helped and has allowed me to carry on a pretty much normal life until a few years ago when I became pregnant. I lost the baby and this started me off panicking something was wrong after the miscarriage. Since then as you describe I feel like it has been one issue after another I've had two operations and been admitted to hospital too but behind it all this horrible anxiety something horrible is wrong with me.

I also have stomach and gallbladder issues same as you. I think you will find being on here helpful it makes you feel far less alone and there are some lovely people who have lived with health anxiety for a long time who give good advice :-)

20-12-15, 22:09
Thanks for your reply Cora, I'm trying hard to become normal again. It's so hard to reverse whenever you've developed physical symptoms from it....:mad:

I constantly get panic attacks driving now. It happens whenever I am by myself. I feel an impending doom rush over me because something random and terrible could happen and nobody would be there to help. I know, it's ridiculous. I know its my anxiety because it only happens whenever I am driving now...especially at night or long distances or both.:wacko:

21-12-15, 00:25
Hi I have struggled with health anxiety for 8yrs since I was 18... Mine started when I had my first massive panic attack when I was high off weed. In my teenage years I used to since large quantities of alcohol, weed and cocaine... I think it fried my brain. I never suffered from anxiety my whole life then it hit me like a truck this panic attack. I thought I was having a genuine heart attack and from then my fears and obsessions spiralled. If I even touched any drug now I know I would go crazy, I also feel unsafe when I'm alone in afraid that something will happen to me an I will leave my daughter alone .. Your not alone my friend x

21-12-15, 03:11
If you stop being afraid, you will have no fear. If you stop expecting it to happen, it won't. If you don't fight, you will win. Let go, accept, and experience. As soon as it came, it will leave. They are harmless and fun, but only if you see them that way. Good luck.

I've had them on and off for the better part of 20 years. My life is ultimately been more fulfilling and exciting because of them. I used to get them driving and on bridges, too. Still do. We have some 5 mile long bridges here, so you just have to move on with it. They will either stop or you will move on with them. Either way you'll be fine. The only thing that can hurt you is by giving in. Give a little ground here, a little more there, the next thing you'll know you'll be hiding in the attic when the mail man drops off your mail and you'll never leave home. Nothing is more terrifying than that. Hold your ground, expand it a little each day.