View Full Version : What should I do to help myself ? My list of problems

19-12-15, 01:41
I have had an anxiety problem for 17 years but always thought to myself it was neurological with a hint of anxiety, but now after all this time I am coming to think it is all anxiety caused by a terrifying situation that was over within a day.

I see so many medications listed (I have never tried any at all for anxiety) but what is the best to start with just to see if I can take the edge off things ? The last month or so has seen things go beyond what I can cope with. While looking at my long list of symptoms, can anyone suggest what I can do as my first stage ? Tell a GP about it ?

My symptoms are.....

1. Derealization - I feel I am in a dream, have done for 17 years.

2. Visual snow - Static in my eyesight, also had for 17 years

3. Objects moving - Everything I look at appears to slowly move about, as though I am on a calm boat

4. Constant crushing style headache that never fully leaves, I always feel like I need to open my eyes more

5. Panic attacks, heart feels like it is coming out of my chest and going 100mph. My heart beats at 110bpm normally so I can't imagine what speed it goes with a panic attack. My legs also go bendy and limp, although I don't collapse

6. I feel spaced out and dizzy all the time

7. I have problems with noise in supermarkets and cinemas, I feel like the noises are coming in at me from all angles. If there is any sort of built up music in a cinema that gets faster and faster, louder and louder, then my hair literally stands on end like a Tom and Jerry cartoon where Tom gets electrocuted, my whole body feels startled

8. My legs tingle like crazy for days just by walking, showers or baths. Probably me causing it, as I know that is what MS does so I may have tricked my brain in to causing these things. I often wake up fine but within 30 minutes the sensation is back in my legs. It could be real, but doubtful it is due to MS. I can also make it happen by thinking about my legs.

9. Todays symptoms are chattering teeth, tickly adrenaline feeling in body, hands and arms all light. Also my head is acting like a tremor and doing a "no" style headshake back and fourth constantly. Everything in my vision looks like it is shimmering or glistening, especially words. I feel terrible looking at a magazine rack in a supermarket, it just looks a shimmering mess like a heatwave is in front of the rack.

10. I weigh 33 stone due to eating when down, I was 10 stone 17 years ago when my problems began.

11. I cry at every small sad or happy thing that happens, yet I am a 37 year old man. I shouldn't be doing this, the thing I cry at can be so petty. If I see someone else cry I usually start. I have broken down weeping like crazy sometimes and not been able to stop, for very little reason, sometimes just wondering where I will be in the future. I still live with my parents, and have been single since I was 19.

12. I can't feel happy much. For instance, the old cliche you see on TV where someone takes a deep breath on a bright and sunny day and whistles away loving life. I can't do that. Everything to me is dark and a downer. If friends contact me to do something, although I do enjoy myself chatting to them I can't seem to have a lot of fun, I look forward to getting back to my room at home on my own. The entire world looks dim and is a hassle. Everything moving about in my vision, my tight hat feeling, visual snow, just makes everything seem so dark and dank.

Other than taking me out to be shot like a fallen horse to put me out of my misery, can anyone suggest anything ? Does this sound more like GAD than depression ? I just really don't know how to start or what to do anymore. My 20's went by in a flash, and now I am at the end of my 30's, this is just so crazy that time is flying so fast and rather than my symptoms improving with age they are getting worse.

Thanks all !

19-12-15, 07:31
Hi :)

It sounds to me like you're ready to change. Here's what I think.
1) go and see your GP ASAP.
2) get hold of a counsellor
3) plan to lose weight. Don't plan anything ridiculous. Weight lose needs to be gradual and sustainable. Check out Reddit transformations to see other people who have done this.
4)think about how you spend your time - are you doing th things you want to be doing or are you just wasting time?
5) make some goals for yourself and think about how you can achieve them.

Once you start to see your weight coming down and that you can achieve your goals you will start to feel better. Feeling physically healthy is an incredible high. People will also treat you differently which will reinforce that feeling.

19-12-15, 12:15
We can't suggest medication, that is something that you need to discuss with your GP. Medication can be good to take the edge off the symptoms but it's good to remember that 1) you can feel worse before feeling better for 2-4 weeks and 2) they do not cure anxiety disorders. Counselling and other talking therapies are fantastic for combating anxiety disorders and their symptoms.

19-12-15, 12:24
I think a good idea would be to print off what you have posted, and take it with you to the GP.

You have written it down so well, I am sure a good GP would find it helpful to see how much you are struggling.

You need support with things, and I am sure your GP will suggest counselling and a treatment plan.

Don't struggle on alone. It is a horrible illness, and everyone deserves support.

20-12-15, 01:28
Thanks everyone :) I will take on board everything said.

05-12-16, 18:22
Hi Jonny If you want to lose weight I found Over Eaters Anonymous very helpful there's probably a group near you I lost 5 stone I was big comfort eater years ago and have this under control now. If you want to Pm feel free to do so we can chat more :) Look after yourself. Cheers

06-12-16, 14:01
just been reading above that anti depressants dont cure anxiety conditions??? is this true?

Catherine S
06-12-16, 14:36
I think what the person who posted that statement meant is that no meds can 'cure' anxiety because being anxious sometimes is a natural part of life, but antidepressants (SSRIs) are given to reduce extreme anxiety symptoms in combination with depression.

This thread was posted last year by the way guys, hopefully Jonny is feeling better about life this year :)


06-12-16, 22:08
I think what the person who posted that statement meant is that no meds can 'cure' anxiety because being anxious sometimes is a natural part of life, but antidepressants (SSRIs) are given to reduce extreme anxiety symptoms in combination with depression.

This thread was posted last year by the way guys, hopefully Jonny is feeling better about life this year :)

ISB xArgh just noticed the date thanks ISB :) Hope he is feeling better too :) Cheers