View Full Version : Anyone else experienced uncomfortable upper back?

19-12-15, 08:46
So, I've been in my anxious state for a couple of weeks now and just under a week ago my upper back started to feel uncomfortable, as if there's a pressure there. It's not painful, just uncomfortable and it makes me crack my back every so often, very easily too which I am normally not able to do. I read somewhere that the upper back area isn't commonly an effected area and that anxiety can be a cause of it as it can relate to neck stiffness and stuff like that.

Anyone else experience this? I'm paranoid I've got a tumour back there or something but it's pointless even telling my parents they're very familiar with my health anxiety and they'll just laugh at me. You all know how health anxiety works.

19-12-15, 08:54
I get a lot of upper back pain from anxiety. My mum gets a lot from back troubles but not anxiety. It freaks me out too, I constantly worry about cancers but it hasn't ever been that.

I imagine pressure is the same from tightness xx

19-12-15, 09:44
I get back troubles, a lot of the time from bad posture, have you considered that it could be down to bad posture?

19-12-15, 09:49
I guess it could be bad posture, but it just seems to be convenient timing.

19-12-15, 12:30
It's tension, research some relaxation techniques or yoga.

19-12-15, 12:47
Yep, you are no alone Masonn.

When my anxiety is high (like now), my upper back, back of my neck, across my shoulders and between them is uncomfortable, stiff, sore, etc.

I think this is caused by tension and the way we hold ourselves during anxiety. The back is also affected by the way we breathe during anxiety, if we are hyperventiliating, etc. (even without being aware we are)

My best way of dealing with this is a heat pad across the upper back, and also some gentle stretching and exercise. x

19-12-15, 15:45
My middle name is "back pain" :D I have shoulder pain too. I have a disc protrusion in the L4-L5 area and the surgeries and treatment for cancer messed up the left side of my neck, shoulder and upper back due to nerves being compromised. There is muscle wastage as a result so yeah... I know about back pain.

That being said, I've been under some work related stress recently and it's definitely exasperated the issue. The last month or so, I get home from work and I just want to collapse from the pain.

I've found some relief with OTC remedies and prescription pain meds when necessary but the best method is taking some time to unwind, relax and the use of a heating pad. I have two. One regular one for my lower back and one I bought that goes around my neck and shoulders (http://www.bedbathandbeyond.com/store/product/sunbeam-renue-massaging-heated-wrap/1044955526?skuId=44955526&mcid=PS_googlepla_nonbrand_homedecor_&adpos=1o2&creative=43742653069&device=c&matchtype=&network=g). It goes down to almost my mid-back. That thing is a God send!

Seriously, look into one of those!

Positive thoughts

19-12-15, 17:35
When my anxiety was at it highest point my lower and upper back were rediculous!!! I think where the body is constantly tense it has a short term affect on the muscles all over the body but the back will suffer more because it's the main supportive thing on the body!!! You'll find yourself hunched more, shoulders hunched and tense! ( this is just my theory on how my body reacts to panic attacks and general anxiety) the past few weeks since I upped my meds from 10mg to 20mg the aching has really toned down!!!