View Full Version : Scared of epiglottis :-(

19-12-15, 20:57
Since wednesday I have had a really sore throat and wednesday morning I woke up and could feel swelling at the back of my throat. Went to drs and she said my uvula was swollen due to a virus.
My throat is still really sore and hurts to swallow. I'm really scared it's epiglottis and that I will suddenly stop breathing :-( really panicking!

20-12-15, 13:35
I'm sorry you're not feeling well, and I'm sure these worries don't help either!

I was a speech pathology major in college and we took a course on the anatomy of the speech and swallowing mechanism (including the epiglottis). We never discussed this particular condition, so I've just looked it up. It does look somewhat scary, but it's also very, very, very rare - the chance is .001%. I know with health anxiety you'll think that it would happen to you anyway - but think of how many people get a sore throat in a year; most don't die from it.

Try to rest, drink plenty of fluids. Distract yourself if need be - Netflix is great for this purpose. :) I hope you get to feeling better soon.

21-12-15, 15:27
Thank you so much poppy. I didn't actually know it was that rare so that definitely eased my worries. My throat is still feeling sore but its alot better. Just finding it strange that this virus has hung around for so long xx