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View Full Version : Aaaand it's back...

20-12-15, 09:09
So, I had been on my way to feeling a bit better with my health anxiety, until today.

Basically, I'm convinced I have cancer and all my symptoms are proof it's spreading all over my body. Little red dots all over my arms, diarrhea, occasional red blood on toilet paper, uncomfortable back, uncomfortable underarms, difficultly breathing and more I'm probably forgetting at this point. I'm terrified that this mole I got removed a few days ago (which was only partially removed via shave biopsy as it was raised and the roots are deeper) is actually melanoma underneath the skin and it's spread all over my body.

I'm 17, and this scares me because this actually happened to someone younger than me. They had a mole removed, it came back fine and 2 years later he ended up getting diagnosed with melanoma spread to the lymph nodes. He died one year later. I am terrified. Then again, it's a little reassuring that his doctor suspected it and told him to get it removed while I saw various doctors who all told me it's fine, even though it was very big and raised. I'm getting the remainder of the mole removed tomorrow even though the doctor told me it's not necessary. Then the day after I get blood test results. In about a week after I get biopsy results for the rest of the removal plus I'll have blood test results, hopefully I feel better.