View Full Version : Relationship OCD *Severe*

20-12-15, 10:10
Left my husband months ago, due to many reasons. But one of the reasons was I just couldnt take it anymore. I cant be with someone who doesnt understand my anxiety and my ocd.

I have OCD so severely, things have to be a certain way or I freak out and worry myself to the point where I cant sleep. I get terrible images in my head that he would be cheating on me with other girls, I couldnt make these thoughts go away it was crazy.

I would have OCD symptoms, where I would check his phone records non stop, to see if he would text other women, then after that check his emails, it was a vicous cycle that would just keep repeating itself over and over again. Anyway, I left him but now i find I am TERRIFIED to get into another relationship, because I know nobody will put up with my obessive cumpulsive ways. My husband was very abusive to me and it just made things a lot worse, I know I am better off with out him, because he would call me bad names, and put his hands on me, but at the same time I am so sick an tired of being single,and its hard to find someone who understands the need to do the "checks" i just dont know how to handle this :(((((

20-12-15, 16:50

There are many things to address here, first checking is not a need but a compulsion, and every time you surrender to that compulsion you reinforce the anxious thoughts. I do believe that for what you told, the source of anxiety was your abusive ex-husband. Maybe after a while and after leaving him you levels of anxiety will drop and those thoughts will fade away. Do you go to therapy, sometimes having a professional to discuss all this things in more of a personal way can help.
