View Full Version : Blood spots!!!! Help!!! Don't want to google!!!

20-12-15, 20:42
Hey I've had these in the past!!! But lately I've had quite a few appearing randomly on my arms, stomach........ They are literally tiny blood spots like I've had a blood test time thing (that small) every time I googled it it says lukeima or some blood disorder!!!!! I showed the doctor briefly a few weeks back telling her my concerns and she didn't say what they were! But I've had more appear tonight!!! I've been through a rough 6 weeks with anxiety and just starting to get better being on 20 mg citalopram it's just kicking in...... I was convinced I had some terminal illness everyday lukemia being one....... I'm always tired always ache! But lately I have been rushing around eating really well again and generally quite active just eyes feel tired! I had a blood test 6 weeks ago a full blood count! And came back iron defiency aneimia ......... Just need some advice and does anyone else get these little flat pinprick blood spots randomly appear? I'm so worried its something serious like Google says and the doctors just dismissing it as anxiety? Or could they tell from my blood test if it was a blood disorder???? Ahhhhh help xx

20-12-15, 21:59
I'm sure that if you had blood tests done they would have picked up something so serious.
I'm not sure what you mean by blood spots. Do you mean like little blood blisters?
I've had several appear quite randomly on my chest and they've been there for ages.
If you showed them to a doctor and got no reaction then I really don't think you have anything to worry about. Remember they are trained to pick up on any signs of serious illness. He would've sent you for more tests if he thought it as necessary.

20-12-15, 23:58

I had this exactly this time last year. I was so so scared. For me I have figured out I get this when my iron levels are low and also low b12.

Now my GP did say she didn't think they were related but this is a pattern for me and when I said to here that each time my iron drops, I get these she said that for me it could be related then.

Full blood count would pick up if it's medically related as the thing that causes this is low platlets which can be connected to lukemia. But if your bloods were fine then it's not to do with a medical condition. My bloods were fine too. Hope this helps x

---------- Post added at 23:58 ---------- Previous post was at 23:56 ----------

The other thing I would say is that so many other things can cause this like heavy lifting, tight clothes etc. it's nothing to worry about.x

21-12-15, 00:17
I've had tiny tiny tiny red pricks on my entire body for about 3 years. Because they're so small my parents laugh at me when I tell them I'm scared they're something serious. They're bright red, and only growing in numbers. Whenever I google it comes up with petiache but they look NOTHING like the images of petiache. Perhaps cherry anogimas? I'm paranoid it's not them either because they usually appear in people over 30 and I'm 17. I get my blood test results tomorrow, at least. They don't go away either. They're like weird tiny red freckles. Most are on my arm, I have some on my chest and like one on my leg. They do look like tiny blood spots when I think about it.

21-12-15, 07:34
Quick question: do you have any furry pets in the house, like dogs or cats?

21-12-15, 11:24
Thanks so much for your replies! They are so small I don't even think iPhone camera would pick them up lol!!! Well since I've had the anxiety I do wretch a lot and feel sick so maybe wretching could be bursting tiny blood vessels!!! You know when you just think if it is something bad you just want it picked up ASAP so it can be treated?! Yeh my full blood count came back iron defecincy aneimia but you know when you think but would something more serious of been picked up ? Lol I hate body changes scares the hell out of me!!! Do love this group though and hearing other people's views etc..... Well I should be having another blood test in another few months to check on the aneimia! ....... Another question ....... Is iron defiency aneima unrelated to lukemia? When I googled i got confused because it said lukeimia can cause aneimia which then I panicked

---------- Post added at 11:24 ---------- Previous post was at 11:24 ----------

No my mum does but I don't go near him because I'm allergic to him lol

21-12-15, 14:50
The reason I ask is because I would have guessed they were flea bites. Maybe some other bug is biting you around your home? I have a lot of red and brown dots on my ankles, which my doctor is similarly not concerned about, but when I saw a flea on my ankle and the red mark it left behind I stopped worrying about it being leukemia or anything bad.

21-12-15, 17:26
Oh goodness, I know exactly what you're talking about. In fact, I believe my first post (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=140023) on here back in 2013 was because I was concerned about little red spots while I was being treated for iron deficiency anaemia.

Honestly, they're nothing. I was panicking the same as you for months and obsessively checking to make sure they never changed. I went to several GP's about it (including one trained in dermatology) and although they couldn't give me a definitive answer on what they were, I was assured they were nothing harmful and either tiny burst blood vessels or just simply blemishes. I also have very pale skin, so I think that's why they show up more in my case. I still get them from time to time (mostly on my legs and stomach), but I don't bother about them anymore.

I know next to nothing about leukaemia, but I am pretty sure that shows up as unexplained bruising, not as tiny small dots. As for the tiredness, I know (from firsthand experience) this is caused by the iron deficiency anaemia. :)